Alec Pomnichowski

Alec Pomnichowski

New York, NY, US


a project for cities

localized resources for cities is an integral
component of the future success of civilization.
the current model of resource delivery to cities
is outmoded and illogical; and the financial and
envrionmental costs required to build cities and
sustain them limits our ability as a civilization
to appropriately prepare for food shortages, water
wars, energy crises, over-population and other major
concerns that humanity has never before witnessed.

the design considers the production and distribution
of food, water, and energy as basic utilities
of human existence. these are guarantees of
human rights and only when these items are no
longer treated as speculative commodities will
the human species be able to progress without
the destructive geo-political and socio-economic
holdbacks associated with resource capitalization.
essentials are not luxuries.

Read more

Status: Unbuilt
Location: Undisclosed Location, Florida, US
