

London, GB


Watermark WestQuay

The proposed site for Watermark WestQuay (WWQ) lies in Southampton city centre, adjacent to the existing WestQuay Shopping Centre. It is bounded by Harbour Parade to the west, the medieval town walls to the east, the existing shopping centre and podium car park to the north and by the Quays Swimming & Diving Complex to the south. The WWQ proposal will deliver a vibrant new piece of city fabric within the heart of Southampton City Centre. The proposal seeks to create a high-quality leisure-led destination that challenges the prevailing poor character and design quality of the Western Area. WWQ is strategically located to become a key element within the emerging Southampton City Centre masterplan. The proposal will seek to bridge the level difference to the upper and lower levels and aspires to mend the dysfunctional urban fabric. Promoting activity through a strategic mix of uses, WWQ will introduce direct pedestrian routes from the Old Town to the heart of the scheme and beyond to Harbour Parade and the waterfront. Central to the development is the new plaza, sited adjacent to the town walls. The new plaza will be framed by active frontages along two promenades, providing activation and animation. The mix of proposed uses – retail, restaurants and cafés, hotels, cinema, offices and residential – will complement the existing uses, thereby creating a vibrant location in this part of the city centre.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Southampton, GB