Pedro Manuel Freire

Pedro Manuel Freire

Buffalo, NY, US


Walk In The City - Sketch

The passion for drawing and sketching

While I was in high school I developed a passion for drawing. Drawing for me is like a meditation where one is absorved into a diferent reality, nothing else matters except what’s in front of you. While I liked drawing and painting several subjects I found myself atracted to architecture buildings, especially historic buildings. They tell you the story of the city you’re in, it becomes your habitat. My passion for architecture came from this passion of drawing, the sketch and the transmission of an idea became as natural as speaking. I realized that is a tool that one can express oneself anywhere, especially in a diferent country where the language can be an obstacle. Soon I realized that people looked at my drawings as art pieces and so I decided to start drawing collections of the cities and buildings I visited. This act of drawing and sketching arhitecture gave me the understanding of why most buildings are they way they are, I started in a instinct way of puting myself in the architect position and I could visualize and understand the whole building just by drawing it.

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Status: Built
Location: World Landmarks
My Role: Principal