Nelson Edwards Company Architects

Nelson Edwards Company Architects

Branford, CT


Chapel, Smithy & Forge, Avon Old Farms

Our recent work at Avon Old Farms School included a Condition Assessment Study and related grant applications for restoration of the Chapel, Smithy and Water Tower - three of the first four “farm” buildings constructed on the Avon Old Farms School campus. The foundations for the buildings were laid in 1922 and the buildings provided the necessary workshop space for construction of the School’s campus. These buildings served as models for developing and refining the unique construction details used in the buildings of the campus.

The Chapel was constructed as the Carpentry Shop, the Smithy was constructed as the Wheelright Shop, and the Watertower was constructed to house the 90,000 gallon water tank that served as the campus water supply until the tank was decomissioned and removed in 1989. The fourth building in the original farm complex, the Forge, was restored in 2011-2012.

The Condition Assessment Study was undertaken in the summer of 2012 with assistance of a HPTAG grant from the CT Trust for Historic Restoration. The scope of restoration work identified by the Study formed the basis for a Historic Restoration Fund grant application to the State Historic Preservation Office, Department of Economic and Community Development.

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Status: Built
Location: Avon, CT, US