CEMYP is a project located in Ciudad Juarez in a colony called Tierra Nueva, which is one of the most marginalized and with high levels of violence. In this colony is an elementary school, run by a group of nuns, which has already served several years, attacking violence with education and culture. This project is an elementary school building proposal because the existing building is where the high school and middle school are going to be located. For its design we took into consideration the current building deficiencies and proposed sustainable materials. This building has full zenith lighting, and creating fully functional spaces dividing first grade classrooms to first grade to third and fourth through sixth, also opens onto a garden with games, creating a barrier between the existing building and the proposed . The interior spaces seek to give a sense of peace in order to give a higher quality of education, because "The quality of education start with the dignity of space."
Status: Under Construction
Location: Juárez, MX
My Role: Designer
Additional Credits: Jose Garcia