Donna Marion

Donna Marion

Vancouver, BC, CA

Seeing Switzerland - hand-drawn map
Seeing Switzerland - hand-drawn map
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Seeing Switzerland - Hand Drawings

“Seeing Switzerland” was both a study abroad and a traveling studio located primarily in Switzerland, with additional traveling through Amsterdam.  The summer semester class had two main projects.  The first was to hand draw a 36” x 48” map that explained a particular architectural aspect of Zürich, Switzerland.  I chose to study the way in which architecture guides the newcomer through the city, indicating the distinctions between public and private spaces.

The second project was understanding architecture through hand drawing.  This was a traveling studio led by professors Julie Larsen and Robert Hubeli; we traveled to various sites with unique architectural elements, and learned how to understand these works of architecture through different methods of drawing.

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Status: School Project
Location: Switzerland

Seeing Switzerland - sketches
Seeing Switzerland - sketches