Niveditha T

Niveditha T

Chennai, IN


Space for all

Contemporary public infrastructural projects constitute a major part of urban development in Indian cities. Though intentions of these projects are noble, their approaches are quite singular. Perceived only as technical solutions, they often neglect physical and SOCIAL CONTEXT OF THE CITY and are reduced to inaccessible spaces.

To challenge this trend, I selected a site with existing and upcoming public infrastructure. The APMC MARKET and the PROPOSED METRO STATION are two driving forces here. The proposal tries to be an open space for all sorts of public activities. While the Metro with its huge mass will dominate the neighborhood, the canopy structure provides a softer edge, with more human-like proportions. 


As public life is diverse and has different needs the design is gradually growing, allowing for changes and adaption. The main aim of the proposal was that it doesn’t claim to be the solution to the existing problems, but rather a tool to for the citizens to solve them on their own.

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Status: Built