Pablo Del Portillo Alcón

Pablo Del Portillo Alcón

Valencia, ES


Apartment Tower

After the restructuration of Aarhus business dock, we find at a new area, chaired by its “water streets”, which will improve Aarhus direct relationship with the sea and will provide the city with a new community area.
This new site offers us the opportunity to create a new district where social, living and commercial activities can coexist and create an appropriate environment for a new and sustainable waterfront.
A new housing tower was demanded for this new district.
After studying all the possibilities, we thought that the North-East zone was the most appropriate to implant our tower due to the views the plot could offer us, as well as the idea of having the house area at the end of the “peninsula”, leaving the South-West zone (the nearest to the city) for the social and commercial activities.
We also decided that specific plot due to the visual we would have from the tower while we walk or drive through the new main watercourse.


After studying all the opportunities the plot offered us, we decided to create an open tower, which will face the important points of the city.
The tower has a main core that contains all the vertical circulations and public spaces from where the three “petals” grow, each facing a different important viewpoint. One of them, facing the sea, another one to the town and the last one directly to the Riis Skov Park.
Three large concrete screens are the most important structural elements as they organize the interior spaces, delimiting the public space from the private.

The slab of the public spaces is setback on certain floors to create a double or a triple height, making these spaces something more than a simple service and circulation space. The idea is to create neutral spaces where people can relax, play and meet.


There are three different types of houses. One of them, with a single bedroom, occupying half of the “petal”. Another, a dúplex style, with two bedrooms and the third one is the biggest, with 3 bedrooms with occupies all of the “petal”.
All of them have a balcony around the perimeter that offers you the possibility to enjoy all the views the tower offers you.
All the houses have 2 entrances, main and service.
To intensify the idea of the public space between them, each “petal” has its own staircase and elevator. That way, the remaining space does not have to be used for circulation.

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Status: School Project
Location: Aarhus, DK