osda studios

osda studios

Ennis, TX


Keller Town Hall and Open Space Master Plan

The Municipal offices of Keller were growing as fast as the community.  Working with Beck Architecture, we designed a town center plaza with a large fountain as a focal. 

Surrounding the new Keller Town Hall was a series of lakes, pedestrian trails, amphitheater, and rock water falls.  We provided the civil engineers with grading plans that not only solved a drainage problem but also enhanced the overall landscape design. 

Terraced grading was developed between the Town Hall and lake to create a setting for the architecture and maximize usable open space around the Town Hall. 

The lakes were designed as an amenity to the community and to provide the needed fill material to raise the Town Hall out of the flood plain

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Status: Built
Location: Keller, TX, US
Firm Role: Lead Master Planner/Landscape Architect/Urban Designer