
Thread Central

Sarah Hamilton
I think eating with chopsticks is fun! Although, not terribly efficient. Maybe that's why the Tokyo-ans are so fit. Of course, I suck at it, so I never break them apart. Shhhh. Don't tell anyone.

I also use a spoon and fork to eat pasta, and a fork to eat French fries. Sometimes I don't want to get my hands dirty, and sometimes it's faster to NOT put down the fork.
Jan 23, 14 8:21 am  · 

Congratulations. You appropriated all of the unique aspects your dad seems to have had without any of the life experiences which created and moderated them. You feel entitled to his personality without earning it. That could explain why you're so defensive.

Jan 23, 14 9:23 am  · 

i sometimes eat w/ chopsticks.  often times, the food was designed/cooked/whatever to be eaten with chopsticks.  eating food with a fork when it was intended to be eaten with chopsticks is the wrong way to do it, just like eating food with a fork when it was intended to be eaten with a spoon is the wrong way to do it.  if you know how to use the tools, you'll select the most appropriate tool for the application.  sort of like the old saying, if you only know how to use a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

Jan 23, 14 9:24 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Curt, I eat ice-cream with a fork, sometimes.  It's fun to draw designs when eating out of the little paper cups.  Am I the only one that does that?

Jan 23, 14 9:33 am  · 

Yes. Would you like me to make broad, generalized, patently offensive assumptions about you now?

Jan 23, 14 10:09 am  · 

most Americans didn't eat with a fork OR a spoon until the mid to late 19th century - and even with the wealthy, the fork was used primarily to hold the food down while you cut it, and you still brought the food to your mouth with a knife.  Typically people ate with their hands (and their own knives, which you carried with you all the time) or with bread, from communal bowls and drank from a communal cup which was passed around.  When they were finished they'd wipe their hands and faces on the table cloth if there was one.  Most families didn't even have a proper table.

Jan 23, 14 10:10 am  · 

How the hell are you supposed to eat at a ramen place without chopsticks?  I'd like to see someone try doing that with a fork - it would look silly.

Jan 23, 14 10:45 am  · 

Bernard Rudofsky discusses fork usage in Behind the Picture Window and Now I Lay Me Down to Eat. For some time fork usage was considered sacrilegious because it denied use of the fingers God created. If I recall correctly, it was considered uncouth at one time. People also ate laying on their stomachs and propped on one elbow.

Jan 23, 14 11:22 am  · 

did archinect disable my right-click?  it's not what my browser tells it to be anymore, and sort of looks like maybe a javascript thing?

Jan 23, 14 12:31 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I cannot eat while lying down.  I just can't.  Don't like to eat while listening to music, either. It interferes with my concentration.

Jan 23, 14 12:38 pm  · 
That picture with good on tables then people laying on bigger tables makes me imagine them as another meal about to be eaten by giants. Reminds me of the infinite David Hasselhoff crotch gif.
Jan 23, 14 5:40 pm  · 
Food, not good.
Jan 23, 14 5:41 pm  · 

food, good

Jan 23, 14 5:55 pm  · 
vado retro

Bloviator Central is LIVE!

Jan 23, 14 6:12 pm  · 

I just bought a fuel distributor and a set of fuel injectors on e bay for the beautiful money blower of a Benzo 560 sel 1987. Distributor has a 14 days return warranty injectors 60 days. All used and all under $400. Does anybody understands what I am talking about? Sarah? 560's are notorious for their fuel systems. Seller had 100% rating after 656 sales. When it comes to auto parts e bay is hit and miss. Gambled.

Jan 23, 14 6:38 pm  · 

live, and with updates.


Eating on the stomach is hard to imagine. How is that even comfortable?

@sarah your eating practice obviously says something about what my friend once told me was true about texas and definitely applies to you because my father went to mexico once. If i can remember what it was I'll write an essay on it and post it here. It may involve vaccination crimes and chickens.

Oh forget about it, that's too much work.  But consider yourself judged! Ice cream with a fork! What ARE you thinking?


Japanese diet is crazy healthy. Except for the parts that aren't.  In which case it is maybe a genetic thing. Wither way, not many problems with obesity here. In Tokyo I think its cuz everyone spends their money on awesome clothes and have no money for food...

Jan 23, 14 6:51 pm  · 

i mean with a fork?!

How do you get the melted bits of ice-cream at the bottom of the bowl? Its just so wrong!

Jan 23, 14 6:52 pm  · 

one option is to drink the bowl of ice cream after it melts.

another option is to get a cone.  you can eat the milky remains with the container.  no waste.

Jan 23, 14 7:01 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Texas is big and badass. That's all you need to know about it!

And I only do the fork thing when it's ice cream in those single serving cups. Or when having pie al a mode. As for the melted parts, you drink it. DUH.

You all should try it. The designs can be fun. And you can carve out little canyons. Fun times!!
Jan 23, 14 7:04 pm  · 

ok, I'll try it next time the temperature is high enough to melt ice cream again. might be awhile.

Jan 23, 14 7:17 pm  · 

hey, enough burger talk. any comments on this baby? it is called fuel distributor:)

Jan 23, 14 7:25 pm  · 

The way the 560 uses gas I would have thought it was a lot bigger. 

Jan 23, 14 7:48 pm  · 

@curtkram not sure but the comment box, editor formatting toolbar seems different/odd (specifically the icons)... also the right clock window.

@orhan i am afraid car-talk is completely foreign to me...

Also i love to occasionally drink melted ice-cream remnants from my bowl. almost as much as i like cereal milk!

Jan 23, 14 7:56 pm  · 

you can use the apple pie to sop up the milky remains of ice cream, the way you use bread so sop up the steak juice or BBQ sauce....

Jan 23, 14 8:23 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
I showed just the photo to my husband. He says it's a CIS injection pump for an old Mercedes or Porsche Bosch system.
Jan 23, 14 8:41 pm  · 

I put my bowl of ice cream in the microwave for 9 or 11 seconds so it gets melty.  I prefer ice cream in a state very close to liquid.

I'm headed to Albequeque tomorrow for a 2-day conference: AIA's Emerging Professionals Summit, where I'm facilitating the Education work group (the other work groups are Licensure, Career Development, and Firm Culture & Practice).  I'm looking forward to visiting vado's old stomping grounds - it's been 27 years since I've been in ABQ!

More info here - you can sign up and comment on our topics, I believe.

Jan 23, 14 10:25 pm  · 

Miles, I am stuck with this. It was a zero miles car one time now 27 years later it is only 120K miles.

I am okay with car talk and liking it more every day. Also really good at getting the most difficult bolts out. That is basically what I do when my master wants to take a break. It is a dirty job but I do it.

It is really fun to show up to some fancy art and architecture gallery openings and urbanism panels etc. with black grease under my nails. People can never figure that comes from changing spark plugs couple of hours ago. And I am only there in those places because my master says this is enough car work today. 

Above is little exaggerated for fun but mostly true.

Really like it when it is smooth and it is hard to ditch even at a $4 a gallon economy.

Jan 23, 14 10:39 pm  · 

I really like my '81 280E.

Jan 23, 14 11:00 pm  · 

Quickly looking to some forums on 280Es seems to have some vacuum issues. Though, engine compartment seems more accessible.

Nice car, I see yellow one often in my neighborhood driven by a seemingly creative type.

Jan 23, 14 11:35 pm  · 

The W123's are my favorite. An SEC would be fun but the mileage is even worse than my 280. The 560 is a tank. Literally. Great for running roadblocks. 

Jan 24, 14 12:01 am  · 

hahaha... I am a roadblock destroyer... Our other car is 93 Cadillac Seville sls, inherited and still has only 42 K miles on it. Runs like shit, needs engine service, needing few injectors replaced. Cars don't like to sit on the driveways for too long until the fuel systems gum up.

Jan 24, 14 1:37 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Is that an 80s model 5 series in the back ground?!

Donna, two things come to mind when I hear Albuquerque. That Weird Al made a song about it that I've never consciously heard, and the Thanksgiving song Albuquerque Turkey that Abe had to sing two years in a row. Talk about painful, you listen to 3 and 4 year olds try to say ABQ 4 times over in melodious union.
Jan 24, 14 8:18 am  · 

My daughter thinks it's her car.

Jan 24, 14 10:34 am  · 

From now on, if there are disagreements and heated debates in architecture or anything else, we should just say, "don't forget, Mercedes unites us all " shake hands and move on...

The forum is all about that when it's informative, good and funny in true Archinect style. That is not to say every once in a while boxing gloves should not fly in the air, that is part of that style too. but at the end, each of us have things to offer. Especially the us older ones.

"Tupi or not Tupi"

A teaser:

In a few days you will notice the fruits of something I have been working on with a great team of people and supporters since I came back from China.

Jan 24, 14 12:43 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
I have passed many a gas station where I have chosen not Tupi.

What does that saying even mean?!
Jan 24, 14 1:09 pm  · 

Quondam, I don't think any of us defined by a car, certainly not my thing, but right now my life is all about fuel distributors (pt # 0438101018) fuel injectors (6313-01018604 from parts geek) and other fuel system parts from e bay and / or auto wrecking places.

Did you say Bosch? I am your mayn? :)

Jan 24, 14 1:34 pm  · 
I am totally defined* by my Miata. And though it is customized and therefore very eye-catching, it's not the appearance of it that defines me (a Miata will never any kind of truly appealing appearance), only the driving experience.

*not really
Jan 24, 14 4:32 pm  · 

Grew up playing street soccer in tight spaces just like these guys in Turkey. Every once in a while the ball would be kicked to someone's second floor balcony and the the ball would be cut in half and thrown back in revenge against all that noise broken windows we caused. Then we would stuff those halfs and crudely stitch and make sub-balls and comeback next day and keep the assault on the neighborhood going. Got yelled a lot but added vitality to otherwise dense urban life.

Sometimes a pissed off person throw bucket of water on us from an upper floor.

Jan 24, 14 6:50 pm  · 

Sarah that was a funny tupi joke. you have a great talent with jokes. John Baldessari would like that one.

Jan 24, 14 6:55 pm  · 

From wikipedia:

"José Oswald de Souza Andrade (January 11, 1890 – October 22, 1954) was a Brazilian poet and polemicist. He was born and spent most of his life in São Paulo.

Andrade was one of the founders of Brazilian modernism and a member of the Group of Five, along with Mário de Andrade, Anita Malfatti,Tarsila do Amaral and Menotti del Picchia. He participated in the Week of Modern Art (Semana de Arte Moderna).

Andrade is very important too for his manifesto of critical Brazilian nationalism, Manifesto Antropófago (Cannibal Manifesto), published in 1928. Its argument is that Brazil's history of "cannibalizing" other cultures is its greatest strength, while playing on the modernists' primitivistinterest in cannibalism as an alleged tribal rite. Cannibalism becomes a way for Brazil to assert itself against European postcolonial cultural domination. The Manifesto's iconic line is "Tupi or not Tupi: that is the question." The line is simultaneously a celebration of the Tupi, who had been at times accused of cannibalism (most notoriously by Hans Staden), and an instance of cannibalism: it eats Shakespeare."

Jan 24, 14 7:19 pm  · 

This is our hashtag. Since I'm not on Twitter (I've really got to do that) I'm putting it here.
Jan 24, 14 8:55 pm  · 

''What's most poignant now is that the identity of the skyline has been lost. We would say, Let's not build something that would mend the skyline, it is more powerful to leave it void. We believe it would be tragic to erase the erasure.'' -- Elizabeth Diller and Ricardo Scofidio

Jan 25, 14 7:47 am  · 

How long before the identity of "elected" officials and corporate execs is shielded to protect them from potential 'terrorists'?

Court ruling shields public safety info due to potential ‘terrorists’

Jan 25, 14 4:06 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Oh, I get it now. It's more of a saying about adapting or not adapting, reinterpreting or not reinterpreting. Very interesting.

Ball cutting has such a different meaning here, in Texas at least. It's so open, that balls don't get kicked onto balconies, and the only balls that ARE cut are of the testicular variety. I actually had a hard time understanding what Quondam meant at first. Couldn't figure
Jan 26, 14 9:18 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton
[stupid thimbs] ...out why balls were being cut. I was picturing little blue racket balls, and decided Id just let it go. I'm so glad you reminisced, Orhan. Makes much more sense now.
Jan 26, 14 9:20 am  · 

prairie oysters was the word for us growing up. Also not cut in half, just off.

Jan 26, 14 7:11 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
We called them calf nuts, Rocky Mountain oysters, and calf fries.
Jan 26, 14 9:02 pm  · 

"gentrification" might not be so bad.

Jan 26, 14 11:09 pm  · 

hah, Sarah. Same all over, ennit.  I never had them myself. It was the favourite threat of my uncles when I was growing up.  That and throwing us into the pit under the outhouse.

Did have wine made from fermented horse milk in Mongolia, but that is about as exotic as I care to get...

Jan 27, 14 2:04 am  · 
Crazy weekend full of new crazy clients. Maybe by Monday I'll be crazy busy with actually making money and architecture.
Jan 27, 14 3:23 am  · 

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