
Thread Central


Come everyone ditch politics central. It's over move on.

Nov 11, 20 9:52 pm  · 
1  · 

Been avoiding that place for a while now. Food Central/What's Cooking looks like the delicious antidote.

Nov 11, 20 10:07 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I think my hippo story is one of the highlights of that thread.

Nov 11, 20 10:57 pm  · 
3  · 

I'll take your word for it, NS. Otherwise, it's like heading into a burning building just to toast a marshmallow.

Nov 11, 20 11:04 pm  · 
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Tracing family history is incredibly interesting. 

I’ve gone back 12 generations, where we migrated from a small village in ~1600. This resulted in a family name change where it became the same as our previous home. 

Moving forward, a hand written account book from 1836 has been handed to me. It includes the fee of £5 for surveying and drawing plans of the Derwent Estate which is now at the bottom of Ladybower Reservoir. 

And finally, during WW2 while my grandfather was in the RAF, my grandparents families were offered a relocation package to Canada. They declined, however their neighbours chose to go - their sons went on to work on major developments in Toronto and surrounding areas. 

I could have been Canadian. It’s ironic that we are considering moving there. 

Nov 12, 20 1:37 am  · 
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Better late than never!

Nov 12, 20 2:01 am  · 
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Non Sequitur

Hurry, winter is coming.

Nov 12, 20 10:01 am  · 
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That's the best bit!

Nov 12, 20 10:11 am  · 
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Don't lie NS - it's winter 10.36 months out of the year in Canada. I should know, I lived right below your frosty country for 13 years. :)

Nov 12, 20 12:53 pm  · 
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Winter is coming

Nov 12, 20 12:54 pm  · 
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Non Sequitur

.36? is that some sort of bullshit imperial hard conversion?

Nov 12, 20 1:05 pm  · 
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No. It's accounting for the April, May and October snow that sticks around for 3 days.

Nov 12, 20 1:06 pm  · 
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Stupid metric months.

Nov 12, 20 2:18 pm  · 
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Why can't we all just get on the Chinese calendar?

Nov 12, 20 5:12 pm  · 

13 4-week months would be good!

Nov 13, 20 5:05 am  · 

If you ever want to fall into a rabbit hole of early web strangeness just google "Metric Time"

Nov 13, 20 2:12 pm  · 

I like the french decimal time

Nov 13, 20 2:50 pm  · 

remember the botched restoration monkey Jesus? Now there’s potato face.

Nov 12, 20 2:24 pm  · 
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Brilliant, looks like a pre-schooler did the work!

Nov 13, 20 5:06 am  · 

VE item. Preschooler vs. Experienced tradesman. Happening more and more.

Nov 13, 20 1:45 pm  · 

Could you imagine trying to coordinate something like this, nowadays? I honestly wouldn't even know we where to start.

Nov 13, 20 11:01 pm  · 
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It’s a dying art. It’s a shame, but this type of stone carving will one day be machined.

Nov 14, 20 3:16 am  · 

My husband did a cool re-creation - not restoration - of a similar sculpture:

Nov 14, 20 1:43 pm  · 
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You can see my handsome man talking at two points in the video, too.

Nov 14, 20 1:45 pm  · 

What a cool project Donna!

Nov 14, 20 4:38 pm  · 

To BB: I can imagine it! 

I have done a couple projects where an integral part of the design was having a great tradesperson to execute it with craft and judgement - there wouldn't be drawings to show the random variation or the progressive twist - but they would be responsible for carrying it out and making it look beautiful. Goes against everything you learn in pro prac courses and most firms' legal departments, but damn if it isn't some of the most beautiful work I've done. 

Humbling also to realize that's how most buildings were made throughout history and why the labor and craft paradigm old buildings were constructed under led to such beautiful and refined ornamentation. 

Nov 14, 20 4:41 pm  · 

If only they taxed the use of materials much more than labour...

Nov 15, 20 1:28 am  · 

I think there should be a carbon tax on everything, which would essentially be taxing materials much more than labor.

Nov 16, 20 11:13 am  · 

Exactly! If labour is relatively more affordable than the material used, one can do elaborate things, make things that are meant to be fixed instead of discarded etc. So much material is wasted and ends up in landfills because it is cheaper to chug it than have a pro do their magic. Just the other day went to the bike shop and it is cheaper to get a new inner tube for my bike installed than to get it fixed, even if it has just a little hole...

Nov 16, 20 6:05 pm  · 

You don't patch your own tubes?

Nov 16, 20 6:11 pm  · 
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I went in for something else for a kids bike and we got talking, saw him not even trying to patch one. Here he is:

Nov 17, 20 3:33 am  · 

It's super distressing when you realize how hard it is to do anything with Rubber.

Nov 17, 20 2:15 pm  · 

These days my wife and I still go back and forth over whether or not we should buy something, but instead of "do we really need to spend the money on this?" it is "Do we really need to buy this thing that took a bunch of resources to manufacture and we will probably only use a couple of times?"

Nov 17, 20 2:17 pm  · 

From a bike shop perspective, I get why they wouldn't patch a tube. It's time/labor they don't have or don't want to spend. It's much quicker to just put a new tube in. From a personal perspective, I try to patch mine as often as I can. Patches aren't expensive and if a tube is otherwise in good shape, it's nice to fix it when possible.

Nov 17, 20 3:00 pm  · 
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Uhg.  I need another week long vacation somewhere in the wild.  

::sarcastic font on::

Why can't I work from a remote cabin in the mountains doing only conceptual design via fiber internet connection and make $300K a year?

::sarcastic font off:: 

Nov 16, 20 10:56 am  · 
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why would you need to work 300k a year in a remote cabin?

Nov 16, 20 11:28 am  · 
Wood Guy

Chad, I have found a reasonable level of success -- not $300K, but potentially $200K if I tried harder -- living in the wilds of New England designing houses and renovations. What is preventing you from doing the same?

Nov 16, 20 11:41 am  · 
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Truthfully - fear. I don't have a business mind. Finding new clients and marketing is sorcery to me. I get new clients by simply knowing people and by happenstance they need an architect.

Also I don't want to work 50-60 hours a week running a firm.  

Nov 16, 20 1:33 pm  · 
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JLC 1 - Honestly it was a nice round number that seems like it would be a very comfortable life. In reality I could make do with less however I need to provide for retirement, healthcare, and my type 1 diabetes - those last two are $$$$$$$.

Also I want to have sever dogs and they need toys and treats! 

Nov 16, 20 1:38 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I would do that for 60k a year.

Nov 16, 20 1:43 pm  · 

That would mean a pay cut for me. I don't make a lot (around $75k) with 15 years experience.

Nov 16, 20 2:03 pm  · 

I was pointing more to the isolation - in an off-grid cabin in the woods wouldn't need all that stuff you mention.

Nov 16, 20 3:07 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Could work part time if expenses are low. I would do it.

Nov 16, 20 4:30 pm  · 
Wood Guy

$130/hr x 1500 hrs = $195K. $150/hr x 1300 hrs = $195K. No employees needed. I'm not saying it's easy to get 1500 billable hours without employees, but in theory it's possible without working 60 hrs/wk.

Nov 16, 20 4:31 pm  · 

Wood Guy - sorry, I meant salary, not net revenue.

Nov 16, 20 6:15 pm  · 
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JLC-1 - if you're living off grid as a hermit then you wouldn't need to make $300K a year. If you wanted to work remotely as an architect in an isolated off grid place you probably need to make more than $300k a year.

Nov 16, 20 6:17 pm  · 
Wood Guy

Chad, my annual expenses are under $20K so there's not much difference between revenue and net income. I'll stop pushing it on you, I was just surprised to learn that I can run a successful design business from my home in the middle of nowhere. It's taken some time and effort, and the pandemic is a boon in my area, but I've never had a lack of work. (Knock on wood.)

Side note, I am thinking about moving my office to my MIL's place nearby, which is off grid. 

Nov 17, 20 11:33 am  · 

Your MIL must be much cooler than mine.

Nov 17, 20 11:45 am  · 
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Thanks for the info WD! On a side note I never felt you where 'pushing' anything on me. I welcome all the advice and experience you have on the subject!

Nov 17, 20 11:47 am  · 
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Wood Guy

Arch, she is pretty cool. My FIL died about a year ago so having someone on site would be good. And being able to have a space to meet clients and vendors, AND to say that I have an off-grid office would both be benefits for my niche.

Chad, good to know. I'll still stop pushing it ;-)

Nov 17, 20 2:13 pm  · 

Can we discuss something really important? Delicata Squash is the Queen of vegetables. So fucking versatile.

Go on, if you show me yours, I'll show you mine.

Nov 16, 20 1:53 pm  · 
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I'm scarred to google those two things . . .

Nov 16, 20 2:03 pm  · 

All that squash flavor, none of that squash hard work! We grew some amazing delicatas in the backyard this year. I think maybe one is left?

Nov 16, 20 4:34 pm  · 
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Wood Guy

Delicata squash is the queen of squash. That's as far as I can go.

Butternut is king.

Nov 16, 20 5:49 pm  · 
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Man, my partner roasts the stuff, turmeric, and it's such a damned delight! Oh, and while I'm at it, why put butter on popcorn, when nutritional yeast rocks!?

Nov 16, 20 6:10 pm  · 
Wood Guy

My family is shocked that I don't drown my lobster in butter. (I'm a Mainer, and drawn butter is standard with lobster.) But no butter on popcorn? Are you mad, man?!

Wait, is this the cooking thread?

Nov 16, 20 6:27 pm  · 
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My secret trick for popcorn is to toss it in Sriracha & Grated Parmesan. You'll never think about butter again.

Nov 16, 20 6:42 pm  · 
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Hmmm, that sounds good.

Nov 16, 20 6:49 pm  · 

May or may not have discovered that combo shortly after the legalization of recreational cannabis in Oregon.

Nov 16, 20 6:51 pm  · 
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Wood Guy

Popcorn with butter and worcestershire sauce is good too.

Nov 16, 20 6:59 pm  · 
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And I thought NS was weird with his Canadian food. :P

Nov 16, 20 7:05 pm  · 
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Wilma Buttfit

I grow popcorn. I love that we are talking about food.

Nov 16, 20 7:18 pm  · 
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You grow popcorn? Cool, cool. Did you by chance discover recreational cannabis recently? :P

Nov 17, 20 10:51 am  · 
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Wilma Buttfit

lol, no. Why?

Nov 18, 20 5:42 pm  · 

Do you ever feel like we spend most of our time making decisions about things that no one will ever notice because they'll just be drunk all the time in that space anyway?

Bad day.

Nov 16, 20 4:36 pm  · 
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Some of the first projects I job captained were bars. So, in a sense, I very much understand this feeling.

Nov 16, 20 4:50 pm  · 
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yeah but my last project was a state legislature building so to be expected.

Nov 16, 20 5:03 pm  · 
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One of the projects of which I am most proud was specifically designed to provide a beautiful backdrop against which to get drunk.

Nov 16, 20 5:06 pm  · 
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i once sat in a bar and explained to a lawyer friend (because he asked) what was running along the ceiling. like, low voltage and line voltage and ducted return sort of stuff. so i guess that happens while drinking?

Nov 16, 20 7:25 pm  · 
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Did you locate where they hid the the low voltage transformers?

Nov 16, 20 7:42 pm  · 
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nope. where such a thing would be required i assume would not be exposed overhead. didn't look that close either. i was mostly just there to drink.

Nov 17, 20 1:46 pm  · 
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atelier nobody

It's the paradox of our profession - bad architecture always gets noticed, while good architecture is mostly taken for granted.

Nov 17, 20 2:32 pm  · 
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@atelier or the people going "but old buildings were so much better than what we build now, just look around." 

Listen dumbass, all the ugly old shit got knocked down before you were even born.

Nov 17, 20 4:10 pm  · 
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Also a lot of the old stuff people cherish now because of its age was hated at the time it was built. Look at commentary from the 20s & 30s when everybody's favorite Bungalows were going up everywhere. Identical language to the disdain for 5-over-1 apartments you hear now.

Nov 17, 20 4:30 pm  · 
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i think the conventional mindset is based on not wanting to notice things; anything that catches attention is therefore undesirable. it takes a generation to acclimate and stop noticing strong work so that it becomes acceptable. once everyone forgets the original context they can project a fantasy history of better times and love that which they would have hated if they were there at its inception.

Nov 17, 20 7:37 pm  · 
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tduds, we can do 4 over 2 now :)

Nov 17, 20 7:40 pm  · 
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cool, now we can replace the bad storefronts with a curtain wall that's twice as tall and have a spandrel panel! Shadow box or back painted?!

Nov 18, 20 12:35 pm  · 

That's where you're wrong SP. Budget won't handle curtainwall and the contractors will insist that storefront will work just fine.

Nov 18, 20 12:46 pm  · 
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Expose that slab edge! Draw that bad detail! Cantilever that storefront! Codes dictate design! ROI dictates design! *sad panda*

Nov 18, 20 12:58 pm  · 

Wait, SP, you can also use shitty aluminum. Can't forget that.

Nov 18, 20 5:05 pm  · 
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Anyone use Mapes Panels for spandrels? I've never specified them, but they keep sticking in my head for discussions like these.

Nov 19, 20 2:59 am  · 

Tried putting my jeans on this morning, regular Levi 501 in 34” waist. They don’t fit ☹️  I’ve just measured my waist and the tape says 40”. This time last year was was able to get into 32” jeans...

not impressed. 

Nov 18, 20 3:38 am  · 

that's a long time to go without pants...

Nov 18, 20 8:21 am  · 
8  · 

. . . . A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away , without pants . . .

Nov 18, 20 1:59 pm  · 
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I'll give myself until May 4th to lose the weight!

Nov 19, 20 8:17 am  · 
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Well, my cat finally died which is very sad, but one of my buildings won an AIA honor award which is a bit of good new to balance it at least.

Nov 18, 20 5:06 pm  · 
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Congratulations!! Can you share which building or will it provide too much personal info?

Nov 18, 20 5:09 pm  · 
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I should clarify it was a local AIA honor award, not national. I posted some window frame shots several pages back in T.C. Wolcott Arts and Athletics Center:

Nov 18, 20 5:25 pm  · 
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probably the worst looking building of those honored, but with the best program (special needs high school sports and arts facility)

Nov 18, 20 5:26 pm  · 

Looks are not everything, and you deserve the recognition. For what it's worth it looks handsome.

Nov 18, 20 5:45 pm  · 
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Sorry for your loss, congrats on the win

Nov 18, 20 5:48 pm  · 
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Congrats. I had a project I was involved with at my last firm recently win local AIA awards too (though it wasn't cool enough to be pictured in an Archinect news writeup). 

Sorry about your cat.

Nov 18, 20 6:55 pm  · 
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Sorry to hear about your cat. Congratulations on the award, I like the design.

Nov 19, 20 7:29 am  · 

Ah thanks everyone. I'm still real sad about my cat but honestly pretty relieved too, he was old and really struggling lately.

Nov 19, 20 10:22 am  · 

Condolences on your dear old cat. We lost our beloved golden lab over a year ago, and it still hurts. 

Your project looks great.  We should have a lot more competent, creative projects like this. (Though I am disturbed by the lack of any meaningless swoops or arbitrary angles. Budget cuts?) And I love the program combining arts and athletics.

Nov 19, 20 1:10 pm  · 

^ (FYI, I googled your firm and see your website URL directs to an online pharmacy selling Viagra. I thought: side work for extra $ during the pandemic? Genius!)

Nov 19, 20 1:15 pm  · 
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Haha, I no longer work there (and technically not "my project", was just the principal design and project architect on it - semantics I guess) but I already emailed them being like, uh, I think you guys got hacked.

Nov 19, 20 3:28 pm  · 

There was never any swoops to cut, so I guess that helped! It was really unique, almost like a school project, just textbook basically, and the principal in charge was super laissez faire about it. 

Got the site survey and geotech, got the program, did some studies, settled on the bar parti, what's cheap? precast and storefront, let's use that! Ok, let's emphasize the linearity by setting the façade back, use expanded metal boxes around mech, nail the precast joints and mullion placement, cool window frames, cheerful colorful interior, cheap lights installed in an interesting way, and that's pretty much it. 

As a profession we often overthink things, I've always appreciated how simple this one was.

Nov 19, 20 3:35 pm  · 
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I'm suddenly fearful I might get called into HR because one of my coworkers asked for our opinion on this logo he found on Pinterest and I responded with "I see a butt".

What do you guys think? Am I guilty?

Nov 19, 20 12:02 pm  · 
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yup...its a butt

Nov 19, 20 12:05 pm  · 
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Non Sequitur

with some minor editing, it might make for a new Dick Bush Architects logo.

Nov 19, 20 1:00 pm  · 
2  · 

It is a very nice butt, though. (Getting myself ready for the HR meeting....)

Nov 19, 20 1:01 pm  · 
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100% butt

Nov 19, 20 1:18 pm  · 
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From the business desk comes startling merger news. Renowned design firm Dick Busch Architects is penetrating the sports market with its surprising acquisition of the Indiana Pacers. A quite... creative new corporate logo has been announced:

Nov 19, 20 1:53 pm  · 
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Wood Guy

Definitely a butt.

Nov 19, 20 5:25 pm  · 
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Looks like the rear bumper of a Renault

Nov 20, 20 9:14 am  · 


I conscientiously went through making comments last night in other threads to push it down the list and closer to page 2. 

Then Volunteer shows up having tired of election conspiracies and needing to get his fix somewhere else.

Nov 19, 20 12:56 pm  · 
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Non Sequitur

sorry. I'll try to restrain myself.

Nov 19, 20 12:58 pm  · 

What we need is a slew of students asking about what grad school to apply to. Or for portfolio reviews.

Nov 19, 20 1:02 pm  · 
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I'm nuking the shit out of that thread.

Nov 19, 20 1:12 pm  · 
1  · 


Nov 19, 20 1:21 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

^good idea, but the more troother responses disappear, the more it looks like I'm yelling at myself in an empty room. 8-)

Nov 19, 20 1:21 pm  · 
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i miss convincing prospective students to run like hell from student loan debt. feels quaint.

Nov 19, 20 2:50 pm  · 
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Wow, those 'truthers' are some stupid people.

Nov 19, 20 2:59 pm  · 

I'm not saying it was aliens, but.... it was aliens.

Nov 19, 20 3:35 pm  · 
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Non Sequitur

but who controls the aliens?

Nov 19, 20 3:55 pm  · 
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Pfft, the aliens are controlled by Canadians. Prove me wrong.

Nov 19, 20 6:28 pm  · 
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Non Sequitur

I can’t Chad. Damn. Caught me. I’m sending people over to your location shortly. Good thing you did not get that AR after all. Right?

Nov 19, 20 6:55 pm  · 
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HOLY FORKING SHIRT how can one man be so hot

Nov 19, 20 7:54 pm  · 
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i don't know man. cuffed his jeans? (going to cuff my jeans tomorrow)

Nov 19, 20 8:44 pm  · 
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Actually while I like the cuffs I hate the shoes. And the cigarette. But still. Holy forking shirt.

Nov 19, 20 9:11 pm  · 
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Looks like Brad is moving, sitting in the moving van wearing the mover’s blanket...

Nov 20, 20 2:32 am  · 
Non Sequitur

I totally rocked a similar shirt in high school in early 90s. Very different pants tho.

Nov 20, 20 7:38 am  · 

found your pants:

Nov 20, 20 8:29 am  · 
3  · 
Non Sequitur

^ yes.

Nov 20, 20 8:46 am  · 

Dear gowd, you Canadians are weird.

Nov 20, 20 9:46 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Also important to note that along with the pants and flannel, the gel (more like glue) in my spiky hair would take out an eye, or three. Man, those were the days. I still don't know why most of my highschool profs did not expect much of me.

Nov 20, 20 9:50 am  · 
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Look at you now though, a snarky architect!

Nov 20, 20 9:52 am  · 
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I thought we weren’t supposed to be horny on main, Donna?

Nov 20, 20 10:45 am  · 
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Nov 20, 20 1:00 pm  · 
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Thanks a lot Josh. I now know what it feels like to have diet soda shoot out my nose.

Nov 20, 20 1:01 pm  · 
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Shouldn’t drink and read Archinect

Nov 20, 20 2:20 pm  · 
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I don't want anyone to feel left out so here is another unbelievably sexy image:

Vitrocsa sliding door hardware <heart eye emoji>

Nov 20, 20 10:03 am  · 
2  · 

I specified Vitrocsa once. It was nice to have until the middle of DD...

Nov 20, 20 1:00 pm  · 

Oh dear...turns out Vitrocsa won't work for my application anyway, but it looks like a lovely system, and the rep I just spoke with was super helpful. I tell ya, a knowledgeable rep is worth their weight in gold.

Nov 20, 20 1:13 pm  · 
2  · 

OMG you guys THIS is why Pitt is so sexy:

He was delivering food boxes for people in need for four hours just like I did last week! OMG why can't I live in LA?!?!

Nov 20, 20 12:55 pm  · 
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You changed your hair. I like it.

Nov 20, 20 12:57 pm  · 
1  · 

I'm getting the impression that Dona has a lady crush on Brad Pitt. I could be mistaken though.

Nov 20, 20 1:00 pm  · 
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Non Sequitur

Chad, it's just a fling. It'll pass soon enough.

(p.s. working harder than mr. Pitt to receive my first down thumb from Donna)

Nov 20, 20 1:02 pm  · 
1  · 

Sneaky I'm blonde now. And my passion for Mr. Pitt will only diminish if he 1. stops looking similar to my husband and 2. becomes a devotee of Patrimetric. Speaking of whom, has the Archinect news covered his fight about Zaha's estate yet today? Off to the news section...

Nov 20, 20 1:10 pm  · 
3  · 

Wait, whut?

Nov 20, 20 1:29 pm  · 

Nice humblebrag there with "1..."

Nov 20, 20 2:27 pm  · 
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What can I say, tduds, my husband is the best man on the planet.

Nov 20, 20 3:38 pm  · 
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We should all be so lucky.

Nov 20, 20 4:46 pm  · 
Wood Guy

Is it weird that a search for "donna sink husband" brings an image right up? I can see the resemblance. Kudos for going blond. If I had enough hair left I'd think about coloring it something other than the silver it is now.

Nov 21, 20 12:07 pm  · 
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That actually is kind of weird...

Nov 21, 20 1:34 pm  · 
1  · 

I love you, Donna, and am sure I'd love the mister as well. And Brad seems like a good guy-- I'm not criticizing him.

But did you read that Page Six item? I'd much rather read about your time volunteering, or any of the thousands or millions who volunteer every damned day, without a media outlet slobbering and equating it with cancer curing.  For Pete's sake. This kind of celebrity cult/worship is precisely why starchitect firms can exploit interns.

[Rant concluded. We now return to our regular programming.]

Nov 21, 20 4:24 pm  · 
liberty bell

I totally agree citizen! I hate celebrity worship, I really do. Celebrities are just people, we all are, and we should all respect the humanity in one another no matter what, even jerks deserve acknowledgment that they are human and make mistakes. I just follow pitt because he’s so pretty AND seems nice AND likes architecture.

Nov 21, 20 7:24 pm  · 
2  · 

he still smokes?

Nov 22, 20 11:52 am  · 

Totally fair, Donna, I get fandom. I'm just glad that whole restraining order mix-up got sorted out. 

[ducks, runs, hides]   =O)

Nov 22, 20 3:10 pm  · 
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Wood Guy

My stock celebrity worship story I have to share when the opportunity arises (I might have shared here before): my favorite rock star in the 1990s was Kim Deal, a grunge artist from the Pixies in the 80s and with her band The Breeders in the 90s. Total rock star, beautiful, cool, badass, the whole nine yards. In the late 90s I was working on Nantucket as a carpenter, and my housemate/friend met a woman at a bar... she came over for dinner, we went out and played Foosball, got pulled over by the cops and let go because they knew her... she actually wasn't that great in person, and made me realize just how silly celebrity worship is. I still love her music, though. Time to go put on some Pixies...

Nov 23, 20 6:25 pm  · 
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I think you have the start of a great thread there, WG....

Nov 23, 20 8:32 pm  · 
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Wood Guy

Oh, good idea, citizen.

Nov 24, 20 10:06 am  · 

I just told my Pitt story over there. Fun thread, Wood Guy!

Nov 24, 20 1:03 pm  · 
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I just read the greatest news!

Donald Trump Jr., has the vid!

Nov 20, 20 7:01 pm  · 
1  · 

great news would be that the entire clan was wiped out. Damn you for getting my hopes up like that.

Nov 20, 20 7:21 pm  · 

Take it to the politics thread.

Nov 20, 20 8:03 pm  · 
5  · 

Don Jr is a civilian, plus he's too stupid to be a Pol.

Nov 21, 20 8:24 am  · 

The vid that was featured in a ‘The Good Fight’ episode?

Nov 22, 20 8:52 am  · 

I hear he has gone off to hiding with his guns, so he can wank off to them.  What a nurdle, couldn't get his girlfriend to go into hiding with him. 

Nov 21, 20 7:45 pm  · 
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this is funny,

Nov 22, 20 2:30 pm  · 
2  · 
Non Sequitur

Have you seen the wild moose(mooses, moosie?) up here? They don't mess around and silly tourists think it's cute.

Nov 22, 20 3:16 pm  · 
2  · 

The plural is meese, is it not?

Nov 22, 20 3:21 pm  · 
1  · 


Nov 22, 20 3:25 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

^That was brilliant. How many times would you need to run your car through the carwash if a flock of mosens passed over you?

Nov 22, 20 3:35 pm  · 

Regan is awesome.

Nov 22, 20 9:05 pm  · 
2  · 

Flock of Mosens. Sounds like Canadian EDM from the 80's.

Nov 23, 20 2:20 pm  · 
2  · 

Not to be mistaken for the Canadian trash metal band Flock of Goddamn Geese

Nov 24, 20 1:15 pm  · 

Or the American black metal group Flock of Drones.

Nov 24, 20 2:21 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I believe a group of drones is called a murder.

Nov 24, 20 2:28 pm  · 
2  · 

You're thinking of crows . . .

Nov 24, 20 6:34 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

It’s almost 2021, murders are not just limited to crows. Anyone can self identify their group how ever they want. Bro.

Nov 24, 20 7:04 pm  · 

How about a 'lather of architects'?

Nov 24, 20 7:39 pm  · 
1  · 

A "hatch pattern of drafters"

Nov 25, 20 4:47 pm  · 
2  · 

Unreasonable client + holidays + plus zero support from upper management = crappy thanksgiving with a chance of job applications. Happy Thanksgiving everyone :) I hope you all find some rest this weekend!

Nov 23, 20 2:28 pm  · 

Sorry to hear this. Good luck with finding a new firm. If you want to move to western Colorado we're looking for an experienced PA / PM.

Nov 23, 20 2:38 pm  · 

That sounds awesome but I just entered the real estate market as of this month. I'm very jealous if your location Chad. What an incredibly cool place to live and have a solid job. I did one job on a resort out there and it's an amazing location in the US.

Nov 23, 20 2:59 pm  · 

*so I'm staying local.

Nov 23, 20 2:59 pm  · 

I totally understand needing to stay local with buying property. 

 The Western Slope is fun for sure if you're into the outdoors. The culture and access to 'fun' projects can be a challenge but I shouldn't complain too much.

Good Luck!  

Nov 24, 20 10:34 am  · 

Someone sent me an Instagram DM asking why I don’t take my shirt off for my post surgery progress selfies. Pretty sure no one wants to see my nipples except you dude..

Nov 24, 20 4:54 pm  · 
2  · 

Hey, you never know where that next special someone may show up, Josh...

Nov 24, 20 5:01 pm  · 
2  · 

or that next job offer...

Nov 25, 20 4:46 pm  · 
2  · 

i think we found the dude

Nov 30, 20 2:50 pm  · 

Oh Kristian, no wonder you don’t get along with your group members. No nipples for you.

Nov 30, 20 3:09 pm  · 

It's annoying to have a bear rampaging through the village destroying everything in their path as they search for food. 

It's more annoying to see people following the bear poking it all the time. 

The idea is to distract and contain the bear, letting innocent people know who might stumble across the bear (and its destruction) that its behavior is not acceptable. The idea is not to further enrage it by poking it all the time.

This has been a metaphor.

Nov 25, 20 1:34 pm  · 
2  · 
Non Sequitur

Oh, story time. I was in Yosemite a while back and was riding the free public shuttle bus from the main shop to our camp site. Suddenly, a bunch of people start scrambling to one side of the bus and we notice, out a few hundred metres in front near the fancy cabins, armed park rangers. Turns out there was not only a cougar loose but also a bear. Hot diggity dog, we tell ourselves and get off the shuttle. We immediately head towards the park rangers hoping to catch a glimpse of the action. I did get to see the 2 animals briefly. I think the successfully shooed away the 2 predators. Something something silly tourists wanting to see the dumpster fire something.

Nov 25, 20 1:49 pm  · 

We went on many family vacations to Yellowstone where it was the same type of thing every time there was even a chipmunk within viewing distance of a road. It's fine to take in the sites and all ... that's part of why you're out there ... but don't poke the bear. 

In the meantime, here is a link to Donna's twitter where she made an excellent observation about a cougar seen near Vancouver.

Nov 25, 20 1:57 pm  · 

I'd heard that the two were natural enemies, Non, but you wouldn't expect to see them outside their natural habitats.

Nov 25, 20 2:07 pm  · 
3  · 

That’s a party.

Nov 25, 20 2:50 pm  · 
1  · 

I poke. I poke. I feel shame. I poke.

Nov 25, 20 4:45 pm  · 
1  · 
liberty bell

I hope everyone has had an enjoyable day, whether celebrating thanksgiving or not!

Nov 26, 20 7:22 pm  · 
5  · 

Yes, ethics are important.  But what about spelling?

Nov 27, 20 5:46 pm  · 
2  · 

Wait, they're missing the 'd' right?

Nov 27, 20 6:33 pm  · 
2  · 

Not what I was thinking, but I like yours better. It would fix the mistake AND set a nice tone. But then they'd need a comma.

Nov 27, 20 6:38 pm  · 
3  · 

Request a quote

Nov 29, 20 11:55 pm  · 

Hey TC! Hope you are all healthy and well in these times...As for myself, will hopefully be off crutches and out of my post ACL/meniscus brace next week!

Couldn't find the thread I thought I wanted to post below in, so I thought I'd share photo here. Impressive color coordination!

Also mightyaa's earlier reference to sewer diving made me think of this interview by Edible Geography as part of Postopolis! DF back in 2010. Some neat video on interwebs/youtube as well.

via Domus

Nov 27, 20 11:20 pm  · 
4  · 

Hope everyone survived the very long weekend which is only going to be longer come tomorrow here in New England....Lots of weather moving in with high winds and rain. We tried to contain ourselves over the weekend. Stayed close to home but did venture out to get that $24.00 Norton deal for 10 items at BJ's I had purchased the 5 device item for $10.00 more last week so saved myself some money. Pass today hauling deck chairs to basement and putting finishing touches on  my three new raised beds made with salvaged 2X6 red wood deck boards off of one of my projects. I make a habit of it  to ask the client if I can have items of value on a job that are most likely headed for a dumpster. I have a grand worth of old granite foundation stones sitting in my driveway that I need to get moved before the snow flies. Got them off a job for writing a letter for a guy putting up some self storage units, so he would not have to put in bathrooms.  They were unheated units, so he saved money not having to do a water hookup and sewer hookup and I'm a happy cowboy. 

Nov 29, 20 6:46 pm  · 
1  · 
Non Sequitur

My new best friend Paul something something W(anker) on that arch book thread is real joy.  I wonder if his 3rd account will also meet the same fate as his previous 2.

Nov 30, 20 2:15 pm  · 
3  · 

Wow. That Paul guy is....somethin'!

Nov 30, 20 2:51 pm  · 
3  · 

Wow! That exchange reminds me of a 30 Rock quip, in which Jack refers to competing columns in Irish Arguments Weekly, 'America's only all-caps magazine.'

Nov 30, 20 2:51 pm  · 
2  · 
Non Sequitur

I'd love to continue... but I'm swamped so I can't commit more than the typical snark. I caught his first 2 accounts that spammed his extra thick bible link-architecture-pos amazon book. It's a special book, to say the least.

Nov 30, 20 2:54 pm  · 
1  · 
Wood Guy

I can't decide if Paul or Kristian are my favorite new posters.

Nov 30, 20 3:26 pm  · 
3  · 
Non Sequitur

WG, neither offer much sport in their "debate" tho.

Nov 30, 20 3:41 pm  · 
Wood Guy

Sometimes you just want an easy target.

Nov 30, 20 3:50 pm  · 

Looks like Kristian is in the process of being deleted.

Nov 30, 20 3:50 pm  · 
2  · 
Non Sequitur

Well, once you shoot yourself in the foot... you don't keep shooting to see if more bullets will make the pain go away. Some people just can't get the hint.

Nov 30, 20 3:59 pm  · 
1  · 

That guy doesn't even register in my book. SL is the man, and he's got the credentials to back up his work. I'm just concerned that he's passed away.

Nov 30, 20 4:11 pm  · 

There needs to be an 'auto eject' button for new accounts that are created for nothing more than spam posts and general demeaning comments.

Dec 1, 20 5:41 am  · 

Who's SL if I may ask...

Dec 1, 20 6:55 am  · 
Non Sequitur

So that Prize-winning author got either a new account or on of his few followers to do a drive-by thumbs down, then I assume, cause a bunch of things to get nuked? Ah, there goes my morning commute plans.

Dec 1, 20 7:51 am  · 
1  · 

SL = S. Lauf I hated him, couldn't understand him, grew to respect him, bought his books, but his website, is probably the greatest architectural achievement in the last 75 years.

Dec 1, 20 8:27 am  · 
2  · 
Non Sequitur

B3ta, is that name not equivalent to Voldermort? It's been ages since I've seen a reference to him here.

Dec 1, 20 8:30 am  · 

It's weird, I'm not the only one, others have had issues, I was being a real ass, because he was in my mind inpenetrable, he offended me. It's one of those things where if he were a professor, I would've taken his class, but online he was less professorial, and I was more inclined to be less interested in being educated by someone behind a screen.

Dec 1, 20 8:36 am  · 
1  · 
Non Sequitur

I've always found most of his digital collages fascinating. Never really got into any discussions about them tho.

Dec 1, 20 8:51 am  · 
1  · 

He was sensitive, and generally seemed to be disinterested in any discussion that didn't have someone's tongue on him somewhere moist and sweaty. I was initially interested in his ideas, but the opacity combined with the hostility caused me to dislike him. 

Dec 1, 20 11:48 am  · 
1  · 

Just my opinion, and maybe this is overly critical, but he (in his posts and his diagrams and his website) always struck me as trying way too hard at needless complexity. Creating a layer of intellectual superiority around what was largely just incomprehensible aesthetic dreck. Fun, sometimes, and beautiful, even. But nothing behind the curtain. Once or twice I pressed him enough to show a couple of built designs and they were... underwhelming.

Dec 1, 20 12:05 pm  · 
1  · 

To be fair, MUCH of the architecture in Philadelphia over the last few decades has been underwhelming.

Dec 1, 20 12:06 pm  · 

I mostly ignored his posts. I tried at first to figure out what was going on, but it always struck me as having no there there. As others have mentioned, it seemed more like complexity and obfuscation just for the same of making it incomprehensible. That, or it was all genius level and my brain just couldn't make any sense of it. Is there a description somewhere of his intent or philosophy ... because that's what I feel like I'm missing every time I look at his work.

Dec 2, 20 12:31 pm  · 
2  · 

Ah yes thanks for the clarification, I remember quondam, always posting his own work all over the forum and getting into arguments about it, Miles is his biggest fan if I recall correctly. Visually like his work as drawings, although quite flat/plan oriented without much hierarchy because of the method of drawing/cad. Hope he is okay and still making drawings.

Dec 2, 20 1:18 pm  · 
1  · 

Since God’s greatest gift to architecture Kristian96 called me fat - here’s 3 months post op for those of you that don’t follow me elsewhere. This is over 60lbs difference, 90 lbs from my highest weight.

Nov 30, 20 3:11 pm  · 
13  · 

You look great, and kristian96 is a shitty human.

Nov 30, 20 3:20 pm  · 
3  · 

Of course, and his insult didn’t get anywhere with me except making me realize I never posted a progress pic here!

Nov 30, 20 3:22 pm  · 
1  · 

You should shame the plant in your bedroom into making as much of an effort as you are.

Nov 30, 20 3:23 pm  · 
1  · 

Haha. Actually it was pretty small when I got it a few months back. It’s grown quite a bit.

Nov 30, 20 3:24 pm  · 
Wood Guy

You look great, Josh! 90 lbs is a small adult human. That's a lot of weight to shed.

Nov 30, 20 3:25 pm  · 
1  · 
Non Sequitur

I can spot the difference: you changed shorts.

Nov 30, 20 3:26 pm  · 
2  · 

with that level of skill in observation, I bet you're an EXCELLENT architect, "kristian."

Nov 30, 20 3:43 pm  · 
3  · 

Well done, Josh!  And inspiring, too.

Nov 30, 20 3:56 pm  · 
1  · 
Non Sequitur

I guess I missed the wrist-watch. Damn. I'm turning in my architect badge and cape.

Nov 30, 20 4:00 pm  · 
1  · 

The Lego Star Destroyer is a constant.

Nov 30, 20 4:02 pm  · 
1  · 

Maybe after 3 months it is time to change...your sheets!

Nov 30, 20 4:23 pm  · 
 ·  1

Look at the duvet, genius.

Nov 30, 20 4:45 pm  · 

One of the side effects of losing your insulation is being cold all the time. Had to go with a super thick down alternative comforter for winter, and kick on the heat higher than I typically ever have it.

Nov 30, 20 4:49 pm  · 
2  · 

For (Sneaky)Pete’s sake, it was just a joke...

Nov 30, 20 5:14 pm  · 
1  · 


Nov 30, 20 5:39 pm  · 
3  · 

Great work! Where are you based to need a warmer duvet?

Dec 1, 20 2:42 am  · 
Non Sequitur

What’s the big deal on the duvet? We use one year-round in our igloo.

Dec 1, 20 7:48 am  · 

Josh, how are you feeling? Like, do you have more energy? Less pain (I swear all I feel as a 53yo woman who sits mousing all day is pain in my back...)? Higher levels of calm?

Dec 1, 20 9:35 am  · 

More energy, but surprisingly enough a bit more pain in my knees. It’s like they don’t know what to do without the extra weight. Been doing more elliptical and cycling vs treadmill for cardio lately due to it. Overall higher levels of calm, which shouldn’t be the case given, well everything. It’s done wonders for self-esteem and confidence in non-work related settings.

Dec 1, 20 10:09 am  · 
5  · 

Wait, somebody called Josh fat as a response to an online argument? What is this junior high?

Back to the actual discussion now . . .

Josh, have you tried taking CBD oil for the knee pain?  I've been on the stuff for about a year and it helps me with joint inflammation and pain.  

Dec 1, 20 10:47 am  · 
2  · 

Josh, when I lost most of my weight, my hips started hurting. I attributed to my body coming back into alignment.

Dec 1, 20 11:13 am  · 
2  · 

Josh you could just be getting old.

Dec 1, 20 11:37 am  · 
1  · 

That’s also a very likely possibility

Dec 1, 20 11:47 am  · 

Alas, no ferry between Russia and Alaska... There goes our driving idea from UK through to Canada... Would have made one hell of a road trip!

Dec 1, 20 8:03 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Problem solved:

The WaterCar Panther Is the Amphibious Jeep Car-Boat You Forgot Existed

Plus you'll totally look rad doing it.  Not sure the convertible is a good idea in Siberia tho.

Dec 1, 20 11:44 am  · 
4  · 

It'll be summer, me wife and dog!

Dec 1, 20 11:57 am  · 
2  · 

I'm sure you can find a barge or something to take you across in the summertime.

Dec 1, 20 12:29 pm  · 

If you haven't already, check out Long Way Round with Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman.

It doesn't solve your problem unless you want to change to motorbikes, but it's a cool series anyway.

Dec 1, 20 12:29 pm  · 
4  · 

Dog in sidecar, I like it!

Dec 1, 20 12:39 pm  · 
1  · 
liberty bell

I spent tonight designing a spiegeltent. I designed it by drawing it in CAD. It was a fun evening!

Dec 2, 20 12:03 am  · 
6  · 

I just learned a new word! Sounds fun.

Dec 2, 20 12:23 am  · 
1  · 
atelier nobody

Just for fun, or an actual project? I have legit always wanted to design one.

Dec 2, 20 1:22 pm  · 

Actual project. We are still trying to determine the level of demountability of it.

Dec 2, 20 6:25 pm  · 
1  · 

so you're working on a semidemountablespiegeltent.

Dec 2, 20 7:34 pm  · 
3  · 

If it’s not demountable, it’s not a spiegeltent.

Dec 3, 20 4:55 pm  · 

As of today, I'm a partner at my firm. Crazy. Recording it here for posterity. 

Dec 2, 20 12:13 am  · 
17  · 

Kudos, bb! 

(Is this a good time to ask you for a raise?)

Dec 2, 20 12:18 am  · 
3  · 
Non Sequitur


Dec 2, 20 12:19 am  · 
1  · 


Dec 2, 20 12:23 am  · 
1  · 


Dec 2, 20 12:39 am  · 
1  · 

Congrats BB!

Dec 2, 20 7:43 am  · 
1  · 
liberty bell

Congrats! I love that you’re commemorating it here, it’s a big deal and worthy of recognition!

Dec 2, 20 8:02 am  · 
1  · 

Cool! What's it like to be partner? Do you now know how to do everything? That happens when you're a partner right?

Dec 2, 20 1:21 pm  · 
2  · 

you start to grow hair in strange places

Dec 2, 20 1:37 pm  · 
2  · 

That would mean I'm on my way to being a partner!

Dec 2, 20 2:31 pm  · 
3  · 

Chad - yup, the older partners hooked me up to the architecture-knowing-machine and I downloaded everything. Watch out! (Mostly I'm grateful for not having a hangover today)

Dec 2, 20 9:28 pm  · 
5  · 

Congratulations on your successful download. Way to go becoming a partner as well. ;)

Dec 3, 20 10:21 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Do you get your own helipad or do you have the share one?

Dec 3, 20 10:28 am  · 

You only get that in French speaking parts of Canada.

Dec 3, 20 11:13 am  · 
1  · 
Non Sequitur

Correct Chad... but don't forget, our helicopters have custom poutine trays.

Dec 3, 20 11:37 am  · 
1  · 

Guys, I just realized that I don't own a suit, and clothing stores are all closed due to COVID. Good timing!

Dec 3, 20 11:54 am  · 
2  · 
Non Sequitur

These are in style ATM:

Hazmat Suit

Dec 3, 20 11:56 am  · 
5  · 

Buy a button down, pleated slacks, and a sweater vest. That should get you through.

Dec 3, 20 12:45 pm  · 
2  · 

Pete's list, plus a black blazer (the most useful men's garment since the dungarees).

Dec 3, 20 1:14 pm  · 
1  · 

For the record I hate pleated pants, but they help the super at the job site know who to avoid.

Dec 3, 20 1:26 pm  · 
3  · 

You're a partner now BB. Don't half ass it. Dress like you rule the wasteland that is post COVID. 

The “nuclear war romper” and other adventures in post-apocalyptic fashion

Dec 3, 20 1:33 pm  · 
3  · 
Non Sequitur

Hey, that chain mail is proper site PPE.

Dec 3, 20 1:40 pm  · 
1  · 

I wear a chainmail codpiece in the office for PPE.

Dec 3, 20 1:43 pm  · 
2  · 


Dec 3, 20 2:01 pm  · 

TMI, Chad, yet so intriguing at the same time. Worn on the inside? Outside? Inside-out?

Dec 3, 20 2:17 pm  · 
1  · 
Non Sequitur

Citizen, if it's the only thing you're wearing, then it's both, no?

Dec 3, 20 3:41 pm  · 
2  · 

I may have misunderstood. Is a chainmail codpiece when you have to send a letter with a fish attached to ten other people, or suffer bad luck?

Dec 3, 20 3:45 pm  · 

You always wear a codpeice on the outside.

Dec 3, 20 6:18 pm  · 
1  · 

Chad, I can tell that you and I would be great friends in real life. Thanks for the laughs

Dec 3, 20 8:45 pm  · 
1  · 

Just a thought: I'd love to see timestamps on replies in threads. 

Dec 3, 20 2:13 pm  · 
15  · 

The thumbs have spoken! Let's go, admins.

Dec 3, 20 5:06 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

record for most thumbs up?

Dec 3, 20 5:08 pm  · 

Nope. Checkout b_b's good-news post above. More well-wishers than clock-watchers for now. A good thing.

Dec 3, 20 5:18 pm  · 
3  · 

As it should be.

Dec 3, 20 6:40 pm  · 

We're listening

Dec 4, 20 6:27 pm  · 
6  · 

Your wish has been granted

Mar 9, 21 6:47 pm  · 
1  · 

Thanks overlords!

Mar 9, 21 9:40 pm  · 

Dear MET Office. Stop saying it’s going to snow. You say that every year and we haven’t had a single snowflake settle since December 2010. (Excluding the freak storm titled “beast from the east” in 2018)

It isn’t going to snow and it probably never will again!!!

Dec 3, 20 3:15 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I have snow.

Dec 3, 20 3:40 pm  · 
1  · 

Can you mail me some?

Dec 3, 20 4:04 pm  · 

I have lots of snow

Dec 3, 20 4:08 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Right... because what our postal workers need is even more packages in the system... specially some containing melting snow.

Dec 3, 20 4:10 pm  · 
1  · 

i hear it's gonna be cool to ship super-cooled product one of these days

Dec 3, 20 4:14 pm  · 

I have 15 feet of snow 45 minutes from my front door. I can visit winter!

Dec 3, 20 6:38 pm  · 
2  · 

^ My favorite thing about the Pacific NW. The snow stays in the mountains & out of my driveway. I can snowboard in the morning and golf in the afternoon almost any day of the year. I could surf too but I'm not that badass.

Dec 3, 20 6:40 pm  · 
3  · 

Tradeoff is the lack of sun, which some folks cannot deal with. I grew up where there was less sun than the PNW, so it's fine by me...

Dec 3, 20 7:14 pm  · 

Just take those vitamin D pills in the morning. The upside of all the rain is all the green. I try to keep that in mind.

Dec 3, 20 7:23 pm  · 
1  · 

as a transplant to the PNW (& despite being a skier):

my least favorite time of the year: winter solstice & environs

my favorite time of the year: summer solstice & environs

Dec 4, 20 12:39 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

It rained this morning. All my snow is gone.

Dec 4, 20 12:40 pm  · 

That sucks. It rains all year here, except for the 3 days of sunshine in the summer.

Dec 7, 20 5:19 am  · 

I don't want to derail the tennis court tower post with stupid comments so I'll leave it here:

It just dawned on me that Carlo Ratti Associati rhymes, and I wonder if that's intentional. Either way I love it.

Dec 4, 20 2:12 pm  · 
2  · 

A Ratti paisan, name of Carlo 

stacked tennis courts up very far. Though 

loose rackets and balls 

took very steep falls 

he managed to still keep the bar low.

Dec 4, 20 9:36 pm  · 
5  · 


Dec 5, 20 1:00 am  · 
2  · 

In collaboration with Italo Rota Assaciota

Dec 5, 20 2:54 am  · 
1  · 
liberty bell

Unpopular opinion: 

Dyson and the guy: genius 

Dyson the products: garbage.

Dec 6, 20 10:31 am  · 
1  · 
Non Sequitur

I like my purple dyson vacuum. It’s not of a particularly usable shape (ball), cleaning and emptying the canister is a bitch, and the accessories don’t go anywhere, so who knows how many I lost; but it’s purple. That’s got to count for something.

Dec 6, 20 10:49 am  · 
2  · 

The apple of utility tech. Take ideas that are already available, make them shiny, then market them so people buy the bullshit.

Dec 6, 20 12:34 pm  · 
1  · 

Don't forget that delicious British accent.

Dec 6, 20 1:41 pm  · 

We have two fluffy dogs that generate fur at a rate that seems disconnected from the amount of fur they seem to retain. We finally tried a dyson after using cheaper vacuums for 30yrs. Purple Animal 2, if that matters. It really does suck harder and gets more dirt & fur out of the carpets. I’m waiting to see how durability & effectiveness over the years will turn out. But I’m impressed thus far.

Dec 7, 20 11:38 am  · 
Non Sequitur

^Proto, I believe I have the first gen of that vacuum. If so, the cannister will only fill-up a quarter of the way before suction dies down.

Dec 7, 20 11:48 am  · 

I'd suggest a robot vacuum for dailiy fur removal. It won't solve everything, but it helps keep the fur down.

Dec 7, 20 11:59 am  · 

For the floors, not the dogs.

Dec 7, 20 11:59 am  · 
1  · 

i have two saint bernards. the key to the animal vacuum isn't that it doesn't clog, it's that it's easy to disassemble and clean out clogs. the neat thing i think with Dyson is that everything red is something you can take apart, so it's easy to see how to get to the clogs. also, clean out the canister regularly.

Dec 7, 20 1:25 pm  · 

hard no on the robot vacuum for fur -- complete failure in our household. 1) clogged too easily & 2) we spent more time setting up for the little asshole to do a good job than time saved for his routine outings

just did the 3mo cleanout...filter bag takes forever to dry, but otherwise very straight forward

Dec 7, 20 1:28 pm  · 
1  · 

^ Helpful discussion. We're on the lookout for an old pup/young dog to adopt, and the fur/floor issue is definitely a factor.

Dec 7, 20 1:37 pm  · 

dogs in question...on the job

Dec 7, 20 1:55 pm  · 
6  · 
Non Sequitur

thanks, now my allergies are flaring up.

Dec 7, 20 2:16 pm  · 
1  · 

^ Wait-- there's actually fur coming out of my screen onto my desk!   ;O]

Dec 7, 20 2:23 pm  · 
1  · 

At the risk of sounding like an old guy, "they don't make them like they used to." My in-laws used Dyson vacuums when they lived in England, and bought the DC07 (https://collection.cooperhewit...) when Dyson came to the states. My in-laws later replaced it with the Dyson ball model and they hated it (not robust enough to handle as a regular vacuum or something like that ... too gimmicky/fiddly). They got rid of it a few years ago and now they have a Shark (I think ... don't quote me). 

My wife, fiancé at the time, bought a refurbished DC07 in the mid 2000's. We've had a few of the plastic bits on ours break over the years (mainly from me dropping it), but I actually intercepted my in-laws' older DC07 on its way to being donated and I use it to replace anything that happens to break on our DC07. It's still going strong. The only issue is the yellow color scheme from the "parts vacuum" clashes with the purple and turquoise of the functioning vacuum. 

We also have the Dyson humidifier, but I'm kind of "meh" about it. Overall, it's better than any other humidifier we have tried, but I was hoping for more, especially at the price point they're selling it for (I got ours with CC points ... so pretty happy I didn't pay for it).

Dec 7, 20 8:29 pm  · 
2  · 

I’m imagining there’s a kind of beauty to your transformer yellow/purple vacuum

Dec 7, 20 8:44 pm  · 
1  · 

proto, that might be in the eye of the beholder, but if I remember to, I'll take a photo and post it here.

Dec 7, 20 9:00 pm  · 
1  · 

Here's the franken-vacuum in all their glory...

Dec 8, 20 5:59 pm  · 
3  · 


Dec 8, 20 6:36 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I totally had a rad one piece snow suit in the late 80s that matched exactly that vacuum’s colour

Dec 8, 20 6:59 pm  · 
3  · 

(No need to mention the 80s there... it's a given.)

Dec 8, 20 7:21 pm  · 

Non did it have sleeves that zipped off to make a vest?! Memories...

Dec 8, 20 7:25 pm  · 
liberty bell

UGh damn phone. That should say “Dyson the guy” not Dyson and the guy. I don’t know who the other guy is

Dec 6, 20 10:32 am  · 
2  · 

Dyson and the Guy is my favorite country music ventriloquist act.

Dec 6, 20 12:35 pm  · 
2  · 

^ I love it when Dyson drinks a Snapple, then maple syrup comes out of The Guy's nose. Classic.

Dec 6, 20 1:39 pm  · 
1  · 

For Rent

Dec 7, 20 3:24 pm  · 
2  · 

Hope that’s a rated partition

Dec 7, 20 3:40 pm  · 
3  · 
Non Sequitur

I think I prefer the flooring orientation to be perpendicular to the windows. Other than that, looking good!

Dec 7, 20 3:48 pm  · 
1  · 

This looks exactly like a place I looked at renting in Bushwick about 8 years ago. I declined the place because I couldn't in good conscience live with this everyday. I think this is common practice with those developer remodeled places in Brooklyn.

Dec 7, 20 3:48 pm  · 

Funny enough, I was initially drawn to the french door/high window combination. It took me a hot second to clue in to the other part. I've definitely seem stuff similar to this at apartment viewings in NYC (although never quite to this degree...)

Dec 7, 20 3:59 pm  · 

You gotta wonder if that partition extends all the way up inside the flue...

Dec 7, 20 4:36 pm  · 

I see at least 3 potential violations here in addition to the fireplace (which, somehow, might be ok?)

Dec 7, 20 4:38 pm  · 

As a floor plan devotee, I've looked at a lot of classic NYC and Chicago apartment plans from the early 20c. So many feature long living rooms with a fireplace centered on the long wall like this one. Mighty hard to subdivide that space without either (i) committing the atrocity above, (ii) hide/fur over the nice fireplace, or (iii) divide unequally, leaving the fireplace to remain but in a weird, offset location.

Dec 7, 20 4:43 pm  · 

Classic Brazil scene of desk-sharing between two adjacent offices.

What sharing a fridge with roommates feels like

Dec 7, 20 4:48 pm  · 
2  · 

II sounds relatively cheap and reversible if anyone ever wanted to do so.

Dec 7, 20 4:55 pm  · 

"Charming 1 Bedroom Converted to a 2 Bedroom" [shouldn't it read "Charming Studio Converted to a 2 Bedroom"]

"This Fantastic Apartment Features Very High Ceilings" [seemingly taller now with the room sizes]

Anyone wanna guess if it was permitted?

Dec 7, 20 7:34 pm  · 
1  · 

"Charming" the same way being locked in a car trunk is charming.

And that bathroom is awesome. "Efficient bath layout speeds up mornings. Shit and shave at the same time!"

Dec 7, 20 7:52 pm  · 
atelier nobody

I once looked at a rental that seemed to have originally been a single-room bungalow, about 300-400 sf, that someone partitioned into a "2-bedroom".

Dec 7, 20 7:56 pm  · 

Once had a viewing in Brooklyn where the partition between the two “apartments” was only a heavy curtain from floor to ceiling, that was a surprise when we got there...

Dec 8, 20 2:14 am  · 
1  · 

How do you light the fire?

Dec 8, 20 9:02 am  · 

I once rented an apartment in Bologna that had been split in 2, we could get high on our neighbor's weed habit.

Dec 8, 20 11:53 am  · 
1  · 

My experience in a place like this was similar. Studs placed on top of the wood floor. My neighbor was single and quiet as a
mouse. We could still hear her fart.

Dec 8, 20 1:22 pm  · 
2  · 

Long day, a lot accomplished and now time to relax! A bit of Paul Stanley - Live to Win and an excellent scotch!

Dec 8, 20 2:17 pm  · 
7  · 

Never had this one but want to try...

Dec 8, 20 7:32 pm  · 
1  · 

Holly Jolly

Dec 9, 20 2:41 am  · 
1  · 

I don't want to derail the shitty men thread but WoodGuy "comprised of" drives me crazy too!

Dec 9, 20 9:17 am  · 
2  · 
Wood Guy

I felt petty mentioning it, especially for what I think is a serious topic. But I seem to be seeing it more often and it gives me a tic!

Dec 9, 20 9:28 am  · 
1  · 

I learned something new, Wood Guy. I'm a fairly picky Word Guy myself, and confess I've gotten this wrong up 'til now. Thanks for posting.

Dec 9, 20 1:41 pm  · 

I just inadvertently went back and read a page of TC from several months ago and I was *really* whingeing hard about my job and one project in particular. I'm happy to report that these days I'm loving my job. It's still rough out there, clients are still demanding and so many of the non-profit or small businesses I work with are truly strapped for cash right now, but my work is actually going great.

So thank you TC for giving us all a space to vent AND a reminder that things change and change is frequently good!

Today I'm going to look at a building that needs to be quickly converted for super-cold storage for vaccines, so I also feel like I'm doing good work today.

Dec 9, 20 9:26 am  · 
5  · 
Wood Guy

That's all good news, Donna--thanks for a bit of morning cheer!

Dec 9, 20 9:29 am  · 

As I believe I may have posted before, I am looking to set up shop on my own. 

Are threads querying software choices/cost and licencing options etc permitted?

If not, never mind. 

If so, I'll post a new thread with my questions!

Dec 9, 20 12:36 pm  · 

Yeah, but it has been covered many times so maybe read the old threads first then come with informed questions.

Dec 9, 20 1:44 pm  · 
2  · 

Translation - AA has no idea.

Dec 9, 20 2:02 pm  · 

Ta :)

Dec 9, 20 3:33 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I am now licensed in the province of Quebec. I have no plans to ever practice there but it looks good on corporate CV and helps with Proposals.  Coincidence of birth (or French as first language) has no end of perks up here. Sorry. 

Dec 9, 20 2:55 pm  · 
7  · 

Tres bien!

Dec 9, 20 3:39 pm  · 

Love the “sorry” at the end, clearly you are not French.

Dec 9, 20 4:55 pm  · 

... but very Canadian.

Dec 9, 20 5:52 pm  · 
1  · 

"Canadians. Just like the French, but nice.  Polite, too."

Dec 9, 20 6:29 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

French-Canadian =\= French. There is a big difference, calisse.

Dec 9, 20 6:42 pm  · 
2  · 

Could be worse NS. You could be Scottish / Canadian.

Dec 9, 20 6:44 pm  · 
1  · 

What' s wrong with the Scots?

Dec 10, 20 3:53 am  · 

Nothing. As long as you're not also Canadian.

Dec 10, 20 10:26 am  · 

Merde! je ne parle pas français

Dec 10, 20 10:48 am  · 

What about Welsh Chad?

Dec 10, 20 11:27 am  · 

Chad you might want to avoid literally the entire Maritime region in Canada, for future reference...

Dec 10, 20 11:53 am  · 

Meh. Been there. Nice place. A lot of plaid on the weekends though . . . . I'm cool with it though as that area brought us The Real McKenzies.

Real McKenzies, Real Sickies - POSTPONED - March 21, 2020

Dec 10, 20 5:49 pm  · 
liberty bell

This office holiday treat is in a bag closed with a twist tie. The twist tie is tied in a knot. Hashtag Unclear on the concept 

Dec 9, 20 3:19 pm  · 
2  · 

# Start Packing Up Your Things? 

Kidding!  That is an odd one, though.  Some folks can't tie a bow, perhaps?

Dec 9, 20 3:36 pm  · 
1  · 

is it cannabis infused?

Dec 9, 20 6:24 pm  · 
1  · 
Wood Guy

How many times did you try untwisting it one way, then the other, before you realized it was tied? ;-)

Dec 10, 20 7:44 am  · 

Why does it look like a dinosaur caught in a snowball?

Dec 10, 20 7:52 am  · 

Is that your holiday bonus?

Dec 10, 20 5:44 pm  · 

It is a baby dinosaur caught in a snowball. When it unthaws the baby dinosaur will awaken and start to grow at a geometric rate.

A fully grown dinosaur is a damn nice holiday bonus.

Dec 10, 20 5:46 pm  · 
2  · 

damn, dude, your glass is even half-emptier than MINE. Be of good cheer!

Dec 10, 20 5:46 pm  · 


::start whining::

I want to get out of the office and do some work on my house.  The last three months all I've been doing is CA and MOB interior TI's.  My creative mind is slowly dying from a lack of use.  

::end whining::

Dec 10, 20 2:38 pm  · 
6  · 

We put a Eucalyptus 'shrub' as we were sold, in our garden. April this year it was 8" tall, as of today, it is 8'...

Hardly a shrub!

Dec 11, 20 6:04 am  · 

That is one hell of a shrub. Has it started talking yet? Be carful if it starts saying 'feed me'.

Dec 11, 20 12:28 pm  · 

Jaetten, post a pic!

Dec 11, 20 12:40 pm  · 

Haha, if it starts talking, I'd become very rich! Will get a pic tomorrow when we have daylight :)

Dec 11, 20 12:53 pm  · 


Dec 12, 20 6:48 am  · 

Can’t find an option to upload an image in reply. :(

Found, it, have to use desktop site, not mobile!

Fence is 6'

Dec 12, 20 6:49 am  · 

Need a bit of weeding haha

Dec 12, 20 6:56 am  · 

It looks awesome! I love eucalyptus. I made their seed pods into earring s as a kid. They do suck up too much water to be appropriate in Arizona, though.

Dec 12, 20 1:59 pm  · 
1  · 

Thank you, they’re lovely trees. We get so much water buildup over winter. I just wish it was a bit slower growing haha. Might get another two though, our neighbours windows see straight into our garden.

Dec 13, 20 9:16 am  · 

Now that's a shrub!

Dec 15, 20 2:13 pm  · 
1  · 

Ask anyone in Australia, they ain't shrubs. :)

Dec 15, 20 8:38 pm  · 
1  · 

To be fair, we got it from a ‘bargain’ store. These and sequoia are my favourite non-native tree. I’d happily plant them everywhere haha.

Dec 16, 20 2:42 am  · 

I keep opening that drawing precision thread hoping for some juicy content, but I can't be bothered to care about that kind of thing anymore. Let me know when it has completely devolved into a raging dumpster inferno. 

Dec 11, 20 12:22 pm  · 
6  · 

I think APS is trying to light something on fire . . .

Dec 11, 20 12:29 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I tried to light a match, but it's a well beaten horse.

Dec 11, 20 12:42 pm  · 

the small things architects fetishize..

Dec 11, 20 12:44 pm  · 
3  · 
Non Sequitur

hold my coffee, I've got to change pens 7 and 9 to match the Pantone of the year colours.

Dec 11, 20 12:48 pm  · 
4  · 

He's so far out of his element when it comes to commenting on the software and drawing production side of things. 

For some perspective, I know I'm out of my element on those things and I was doing that work for about half a year past his point of retirement. It wasn't that I'm not good at that work, I was probably too good compared to my colleagues and realized I didn't want to be stuck drawing all the time so I made a career shift. 

Anyway, shortly before he retired I wrote this blog post (Want to be an Architect?; Don't Learn Revit) which has gotten some flack for not understanding the direction of the industry. I think that criticism is a misunderstanding of my intent with the post, but a valid concern anyway. I should have written more clearly.

Dec 11, 20 12:56 pm  · 
1  · 
Non Sequitur

I'm in charge of teaching/training/whiping revit to the staff in my office but I approach it from a CA pov... because that's a big part of what I do and I'm tired of having to fix other's mistakes.

Dec 11, 20 1:01 pm  · 

I was thinking last night that x-jla is to this forum what a "x/256" dimension is to my Revit model. I chase it through the plan, diligently and subtly adjusting inaccuracies until I think I've smoothed everything over, only for it to inexplicably and inevitably appear again somewhere completely unexpected. There, is that enough drama?

Dec 11, 20 1:04 pm  · 
3  · 

Beautiful analogy!

Dec 11, 20 1:10 pm  · 

if x-jla is x/256 measurements, does that make randomised the times I tried to hit ESC on my keyboard and ended up hitting F1 instead?

Dec 11, 20 1:13 pm  · 
4  · 

Always there to help, even when not requested, especially when not requested, that’s just my nature!

Dec 11, 20 1:21 pm  · 
1  · 

Maybe the F1 key on keyboards should be renamed to “randomised”

Dec 11, 20 1:24 pm  · 
1  · 

Not sure if one can have two keys named after oneself, already have the “any” key under my belt...

Dec 11, 20 3:44 pm  · 




(the 'ignore user' of workflow enhancements)

Dec 11, 20 4:23 pm  · 
3  · 

Weekend ruined...  yesterday I received an email from a local university, claiming that I owe approximately £10k and I’m  in default of payment since September 2020. This is odd, as I didn’t even apply for a place and be given an offer until the end of October 2020.

Granted the fee applicable is 20% lower than their default notice claims, which by the way is the first contact from them yet claiming to be a repeated invoice, has left me rather perplexed. 

Their terms and conditions state that the first payment, of 3, is due January 21st 2021. Their terms also state that I can withdraw within 3 weeks of commencement of study with no fee required.

After contacting them and being passed from pillar to post with each saying it’s the other I need to talk to, the only agreement they come to is that I must pay. 

So, thinking this through, I’ll be sending them my notice of withdrawal, I haven’t started yet, and by their terms I have no fee to pay. 

I dare say that this has put a dampener on my weekend and definitely reduced my opinion of the administrative capacity of midlanders. This isn’t the only contact with an incompetent midlands based company this year, and each further contact seems to display increased stupidity...

end of unofficial rant 

Dec 12, 20 7:35 am  · 
1  · 

Ugh this sucks. I'm sorry to hear it.

Dec 12, 20 1:59 pm  · 
1  · 

Thank you. I’m going to comb through their contract tomorrow and write up a report and make further contact. If need be, I’ll enlist a solicitor.

Dec 13, 20 9:19 am  · 

I appear to have reacted strongly... I miss read the last paragraph and spent the weekend worrying... Not my best moment! 

As it transpires, it was an admin issue, all resolved and to be fair, I feel a bit of an ass...

Note: Never take a Friday email seriously, wait until the Monday and resolve the following week!

Dec 14, 20 5:09 am  · 
4  · 
liberty bell

This is great news!

Dec 14, 20 7:11 am  · 
2  · 

What was the joke going around awhile back about kangaroos? I RT'd this today. Kangaroos fucking terrify me.

Dec 13, 20 2:26 pm  · 
5  · 


Dec 14, 20 12:49 pm  · 


Dec 14, 20 1:37 pm  · 
 ·  2

I know a guy from school that went on to work on set design and construction. Not sure if he's still doing it though. (edit: he is per his IMDB page)


Dec 14, 20 2:27 pm  · 
8  · 

Guess what - there is an entire industry for set construction. I did it for years during college and during the recession back in 2012. Even then I was paid $15-$20 an hour because of my background and experience.



Dec 14, 20 3:13 pm  · 
7  · 

The only way I’d work for Marvel for “free” is if I got a percentage of the box office

Dec 15, 20 2:10 pm  · 
1  · 

Don't lie - you'd work for free if you got to meet the Avengers in costume. :)

Dec 15, 20 2:12 pm  · 

Change Avengers to Star Wars and
you’d be correct.

Dec 15, 20 7:48 pm  · 
1  · 

Which movies though . . . .

Dec 16, 20 10:00 am  · 

Hell no, hell no, hell no.

Dec 16, 20 9:54 pm  · 

Actually, maybe a group of us should *pose* as free-working architecture interns then advise them that real marble and end grain flooring and steel windows and Italian lighting are absolutely required so we get all the set materials there and then start fucking around making enormous constant screwups and costing them millions in materials then laugh our asses off as we set fire to the place and leave?

Wait I may finally have a screenplay idea...

Dec 16, 20 10:03 pm  · 
4  · 

I love it, Donna. I've got my young intern disguise ready!

The Yutes Are Registering To Vote | Mock Paper Scissors

Dec 17, 20 12:06 am  · 
4  · 

This is exactly how I look.

Dec 17, 20 11:27 am  · 
3  · 


Dec 17, 20 6:54 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I consulted on a set once. I was supposed to get paid but never did.

Dec 17, 20 6:56 pm  · 

this shit would be in direct violation of whatever collective bargaining agreement the studio (Marvel, presumably?) is under with the locals, namely this would be I.A.T.S.E 800 - the Art Directors Guild, which has jurisdiction over Set Designers, Model Makers, and Scenic Artists. Whatever union covers the construction department would also likely see their collective agreements violated by this. IF, indeed this is a full feature film by a major studio, and not an independent production (those can usually work around typical industry regulations).

Dec 25, 20 6:17 pm  · 
b3tadine[sutures]'s comment has been hidden

Yo quiero Taco Bel!

Holland has a Taco bell!?

Dec 14, 20 3:10 pm  · 
1  · 

*three Taco Bells

Dec 14, 20 3:39 pm  · 

it's "Tacos Bell"

Dec 14, 20 3:58 pm  · 
2  · 

American Hegemony at its finest. We don't need a ton of military bases, we'll just send them Taco Bells.

Dec 14, 20 4:23 pm  · 

ingenious, you make the locals INTO the bombs, then turn them loose on the city's infrastructure (sewer systems and public restrooms)

Dec 14, 20 4:43 pm  · 
2  ·  1

You do need a ton of military bases and weapons of mass destruction, there wouldn’t be any hegemony without those, don’t kid yourself...

Dec 14, 20 4:44 pm  · 

You seem fun at parties.

Dec 14, 20 5:19 pm  · 
1  · 

He doesn't go to parties. He just posts here.

Dec 14, 20 5:25 pm  · 
3  · 

What are parties, you know there’s a pandemic going on, right?

Dec 14, 20 5:34 pm  · 

Don't front - you know what they are and that you don't get invited to them because of your crazy accent.  :)

Dec 14, 20 5:36 pm  · 

I always thought I didn’t get invited because I’m an annoying prick.

Dec 15, 20 2:41 am  · 
Non Sequitur

I’ve actually never eaten anything from Taco Bell.

Dec 15, 20 6:06 am  · 
1  · 

Non, you're not missing anything, but the somehow, the Dutch menu, is atrocious. Taco meat, with gouda? WTF?

Dec 15, 20 9:03 am  · 
2  · 

You've even screwed that up...It should say: Gouda, with taco meat? WTF?

Dec 15, 20 9:23 am  · 

I've tasted gouda, the Swiss do it better. Gouda smells like the inside of wooden shoes.

Dec 15, 20 10:11 am  · 

How do you know what the inside of wooden shoes smell like? You disgust me!

Dec 15, 20 11:51 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Gouda is for people who think they like fancy cheese but have no fucking clue. Gimme Emmental or Jarlsberg, then we can begin to talk cheese.

Dec 15, 20 12:49 pm  · 
1  · 

What are wooden shoes for then NS?

Dec 15, 20 12:52 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

^ portable pedestals for residents to lecture down to us from.

Dec 15, 20 1:01 pm  · 
1  · 
randomised's comment has been hidden

Great to be moderated out of that Peter Exley article...what a ridiculous train wreck of wokeness that became, all that's left now are b3ta's personal attacks.

Dec 15, 20 8:09 am  · 
1  · 

You keep using words you don't understand.

Dec 15, 20 9:04 am  · 

please enlighten us your holy wokeness

Dec 15, 20 9:06 am  · 

I'm sorry, I don't speak stupid, err flemish.

Dec 15, 20 10:13 am  · 

Always so modest...not, you're fluent in stupid, a native speaker even!

Dec 15, 20 11:08 am  · 

From your lips to Trump's ass.

Dec 15, 20 11:37 am  · 

You sniffed too many of those wooden shoes b3ta, your incoherence is embarrassing. Maybe take a breather, go outside, have a walk and try again.

Dec 15, 20 11:53 am  · 

Occasionally you both contribute meaningful stuff to the discourse here, but in the current state I don't even want to check TC because your toxicity is so pervasive. Blocking both of you.

Dec 15, 20 12:23 pm  · 
2  · 

“He started it!”

Dec 15, 20 12:41 pm  · 

Yeah, this is supposed to be the fun place but several people are just being buttheads. It’s December, we’ve almost made it through hell year. Lighten up y’all.

Dec 15, 20 12:45 pm  · 
4  · 

Rando and B3t - shut the fuck up you pear clutching ninnies'.

Dec 15, 20 12:49 pm  · 
2  · 

Okay, okay, okay...let’s talk booze instead here on Intoxicated Central, just got a nice bottle of Portuguese port at work, any advice on what to pair it with that’s not a dead animal?

Dec 15, 20 12:55 pm  · 

A lightly sautéed wooden shoe.

Dec 15, 20 12:57 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Rando... port is Portuguese by default... (obv needs to be from Porto...) anything else is just fortified wine. Anyways, it should be paired with a strong cigar. Some aged & firm cheese (not gouda) assortment would not be a bad idea.

Dec 15, 20 2:18 pm  · 

My addition of “Portuguese” was indeed superfluous...thanks for the tip!

Dec 15, 20 5:51 pm  · 
1  · 

tawny port with skittles, but not the orange ones. those go better with gewurtztraminer or tokay.

Dec 15, 20 7:49 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I guess my attempt at creating a distraction to the political dumpster fire in TC was not appreciated.  Fine, I'll take my cheese discussion elsewhere.

Dec 15, 20 2:16 pm  · 
2  · 

Cheese is widely recognized as the second-best fire suppressant. It finally lost out to Halon in UL testing, because people were being knocked unconscious by wheels of gouda dropping from the ceiling every time someone lit a damned cigarette.

Dec 15, 20 3:01 pm  · 
6  · 

Also, it looks like I accidentally chose a good time to be elsewhere.... Glad I missed the fun.

Dec 15, 20 3:02 pm  · 
1  · 

I was just going ask what happened to the cheese.

Dec 15, 20 3:03 pm  · 

I'm down for a cheese thread. My wife and I were just discussing how to get our cheese fix this holiday season since driving to Wisconsin is out of the question this year.

Dec 15, 20 3:23 pm  · 
2  · 
Non Sequitur

I used to live (rent, actually) in one of the trendy places in my city and we were within a 3min walk from the best cheese store. The cheese lady knew us by name too... and I could easily drop 100 loonies on a few small slivers of cheesy goodness.

Dec 15, 20 3:34 pm  · 
1  · 

My first place in Portland was walking distance from here: It lives up to its name.

Dec 15, 20 3:40 pm  · 
3  · 

^ Looks fantastic. I could just set up a cot in the corner there...

Dec 15, 20 4:16 pm  · 

As long as they've got a corkscrew I can use.

Dec 15, 20 4:27 pm  · 

If you are ever in the Twin Cities, Surdyk's is the joint, for cheese.

Dec 15, 20 4:28 pm  · 
Wood Guy

Is anyone in Cleveland? My BIL is getting noticed, for his cheeses: He also makes some good pickled mustard seeds. 

Dec 16, 20 11:31 am  · 
1  · 

Not in Cleveland, but this would be a good justification for a road-trip post-pandemic.

Dec 16, 20 11:35 am  · 
1  · 

As an aside, I've been making my own fermented mustards and it is a life-changing condiment when done correctly. Your BIL's mustard looks pretty damn tasty too.

Dec 16, 20 11:38 am  · 
2  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Ok now I have to go get some fancy cheese.

Dec 16, 20 11:43 am  · 
2  · 
Wood Guy

Arch, they are good. We don't see them much and my wife has been making pickled mustard seeds forever. I actually like hers even better than my BIL's. I have developed a killer recipe for salad dressing that is best with a dollop of pickled mustard seeds, though prepared mustard can work in a pinch.

Dec 16, 20 2:54 pm  · 
2  · 

Do you quick-pickle them with vinegar or do you let them ferment?

Dec 16, 20 6:30 pm  · 

I am intrigued. I've never heard of pickled mustard seeds. What do you do with them, use them like relish?

Dec 17, 20 11:29 am  · 

Back in the 70's I lived on the Cambridge/Sommerville town line. We had a place called Sauenor's which was a butcher grocery store and just down the block was a place called the Wine Cheese Cask. It was at that time the best around.

Dec 17, 20 11:48 am  · 
1  · 
Wood Guy

Donna, I'm not totally sure but here's a recipe: The seeds get soft but still have texture, they're a bit sweet with less bite than regular prepared mustard. You can use them on a sandwich, in salad dressing, with cheese on a cracker, etc.. The texture is like caviar, fun to eat!

Dec 17, 20 12:52 pm  · 
Wood Guy

Snooker, I lived in Porter Square for ten years starting in the mid-90s. I think I remember the Wine Cheese Cask but was too poor to shop there! Maybe I'm thinking of another place. Crazy how much that area has changed just in the last 20 years. It was just starting to get gentrified when I was there, once rent control was eliminated.

Dec 17, 20 12:54 pm  · 
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That answers my question, WG.

.... here's a good video on fermented mustard seeds. Essentially pickling but using lactic acid generated on-site by happy bacteria. 

Donna, I usually do the pickling, then crush coarsely in a mortar-and-pestle for a whole-grain Swedish-style mustard. Or I'll use my immersion blender to turn it into creamy German-style mustard.

Dec 17, 20 1:10 pm  · 

Wood Guy, The butcher deli was often visited by Julia Child. Would run into her there every once and a while, couldn't miss that voice. The Wine and Cheese Cask always said there wine prices were the best in Boston. There cheese was exceptional. One of my room mates at the time was a souse chef who had exceptional abilities at selecting the right meat, wine and cheese.

Dec 17, 20 4:55 pm  · 
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Wood Guy

I never met her but worked as a carpenter in her neighborhood, the Huron Ave area. She was basically next door neighbors with Bob Vila and Alan Dershowitz. Was the cheese shop off Huron Ave?

Edit: Nevermind, I just looked it up, different place. The Wine and Cheese Cask is still there, just a couple of blocks from Moshe Safdie's office!

Dec 17, 20 5:31 pm  · 
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Small World! I lived in Huron Village (in the crappiest apartment building in Huron Village) for a couple years before moving west. It was a beautiful neighborhood to walk around. John Malkovich and some Thai royalty lived on my street. What's that market over there... Formaggio Kitchen I think? Classy, *and* expensive.

Dec 18, 20 11:58 am  · 
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Wood Guy

It is a small world indeed! Formaggio, that's the place I'm thinking of. On the slope facing north. I got lunch there a lot. Or at the farm store across from Rockler on Mass Ave. Some good memories from those days. Edit: wrong again. Hi-Rise Bread Co is what I'm thinking of. A block from Formaggio. The farm store is Pemberton's.

Dec 18, 20 2:58 pm  · 

Wood Guy as you see it is on Washington Beacon Street in Sommerville. There was also a restaurant on Kirkland across the street for the butcher/deli called Peasant Stock. They served limited dishes that changed all the time so you just had to check to see what was on the menu.

Dec 18, 20 4:07 pm  · 
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I think this might be okay to post, but since it's about people doing good, and talking about doing good, I'm not sure. Maybe those organizations don't want people to know that they have needs? 

MacKenzie Scott aka Badass

Dec 15, 20 4:01 pm  · 
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