WAMO Studio

WAMO Studio

Santa Fe, NM

The front view
The front view
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Ta'ha Mosque

mosque = masjid = a place of prostration.
This mosque wraps a traditional plan within a contemporary envelope. The exterior skin, inspired by a veil blowing in the wind, is constructed in one of the oldest, most traditional materials: brick. The playful brick pattern dances around the prayer hall, standing in contrast to the rigidity of the other stone elements. The sail-like shading structures at the entry provide protection to pedestrians while creating whimsical shadows on the wall which mimic the pointed arches used elsewhere in the design. The walled courtyard connects the mosque to the existing structure and more importantly, provides a tranquil meditation area. Overall, the interior is a traditional prayer space, though, as the sun moves, patterned light will fall on the floors through the glazed slots in the brick wall.
The mosque will be 8,000 square feet. The maximum height (city regulation) of 35 feet was a great challenge for this building type as the traditional proportions of mosques require height. The sloping site did allow us to design a walk-out level below the prayer hall which contains the requisite auxiliary functions. Parking requirements were eased as the church next door is willing to share.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Santa Fe, NM, US
Firm Role: Architect

The central courtyard
The central courtyard
The interior
The interior
One side view
One side view
The other side view
The other side view
The lower, auxiliary courtyard
The lower, auxiliary courtyard