Anchor 3

Jeffrey Butts, Jr ~ wouldn't a *profile views* section be cool?  ››  posted: Sep 7 '11  |  see all wouldn't a *profile views* section be cool?

Jeffrey Butts, Jr
Anchor 3

Ricardo Mendez ~ Commercial Retail and Residential high end  ››  posted: Sep 7 '11  |  see all

Ricardo Mendez
Anchor 3

Alexis Opos ~ watercoloring the landscape  ››  posted: Sep 7 '11  |  see all

Alexis Opos
Anchor 3

Andrew Kershaw ~ High profile client in Fulham - kitchen & dining room project 003  ››  posted: Sep 7 '11  |  see all High profile client in Fulham - kitchen & dining room project 003

Andrew Kershaw
Anchor 3

Andrew Kershaw ~ High profile client in Fulham - kitchen & dining room project 002  ››  posted: Sep 7 '11  |  see all High profile client in Fulham - kitchen & dining room project 002

Andrew Kershaw
Anchor 3

Andrew Kershaw ~ High profile client in Fulham - kitchen & dining room project  ››  posted: Sep 7 '11  |  see all High profile client in Fulham - kitchen & dining room project

Andrew Kershaw
Anchor 3

Andrew Kershaw ~ High profile interior design project - kitchen & back kitchen  ››  posted: Sep 7 '11  |  see all High profile interior design project - kitchen & back kitchen

Andrew Kershaw
Anchor 3

Andrew Kershaw ~ Stainless steel island unit  ››  posted: Sep 7 '11  |  see all Stainless steel island unit

Andrew Kershaw
Anchor 3

Samuel Langkop ~ F.Y.I. These updates will show up if anyone googles your name.  ››  posted: Sep 7 '11  |  see all

Samuel Langkop
Anchor 3

Siobhan McNulty ~ Black Box Theater, Lincoln Center  ››  posted: Sep 6 '11  |  see all

Siobhan McNulty
Anchor 3

Jeffrey Butts, Jr ~ thanks!  ››  posted: Sep 6 '11  |  see all

Jeffrey Butts, Jr
Anchor 3

Tima Bell ~  ››  posted: Sep 6 '11  |  see all

Tima Bell
Anchor 3

Jeffrey Butts, Jr ~ @Tima Bell, could you share that article?  ››  posted: Sep 6 '11  |  see all

Jeffrey Butts, Jr
Anchor 3

Tima Bell ~ Reading a great article about the "Economy of Attention"  ››  posted: Sep 5 '11  |  see all

Tima Bell
Anchor 3

MAULIK BANSAL ~ Legacy of Rio de Janeiro 2016 Olympics  ››  posted: Sep 5 '11  |  see all

Anchor 3

Zeena K ~ Taking the LEED AP Practice test  ››  posted: Sep 3 '11  |  see all

Zeena K
Anchor 3

Paul Petrunia ~ @Lian the poster or the series?  ››  posted: Sep 2 '11  |  see all

Paul Petrunia
Anchor 3

Lian Chikako Chang ~ Not sure what I can say about the GSD's upcoming lecture series, but...I'll just say that it's going to glow in the dark.  ››  posted: Sep 2 '11  |  see all

Lian Chikako Chang
Anchor 3

Jeffrey Butts, Jr ~ @Dustin Brugmann, ants have great architecture :)  ››  posted: Sep 2 '11  |  see all

Jeffrey Butts, Jr
Anchor 3

BaBette Scheidt ~ ...a.DOT Poster . . . just finished 1 of a series (a collaboration between Mindy Viamontes and Myself)  ››  posted: Sep 2 '11  |  see all ...a.DOT Poster . . . just finished 1 of a series (a collaboration between Mindy Viamontes and Myself)

BaBette Scheidt
Anchor 3

BaBette Scheidt ~ ready residence . . . in-progress  ››  posted: Sep 1 '11  |  see all ready residence . . . in-progress

BaBette Scheidt
Anchor 3

Seth Feriano AIA, NCARB ~ back on the east coast!  ››  posted: Sep 1 '11  |  see all

Seth Feriano AIA, NCARB
Anchor 3

Michael Suriano ~ Oh, IDP - 100 hours of CA left, if only I had the time...  ››  posted: Aug 31 '11  |  see all

Michael Suriano
Anchor 3

Rebecca Staley ~ Building a new website  ››  posted: Aug 31 '11  |  see all

Rebecca Staley
Anchor 3

Jonathan Golli, AIA, NCARB ~ Headache: 'VIF' steel shop drawings on a 200 year old building  ››  posted: Aug 31 '11  |  see all

Jonathan Golli, AIA, NCARB
Anchor 3

Tima Bell ~ Rendering for Retail Facade  ››  posted: Aug 31 '11  |  see all Rendering for Retail Facade

Tima Bell
Anchor 3

Tom Allen ~ Re-working my first grad school studio project with Revit  ››  posted: Aug 30 '11  |  see all

Tom Allen
Anchor 3

Lian Chikako Chang ~ ugh, exhausted already!  ››  posted: Aug 30 '11  |  see all

Lian Chikako Chang
Anchor 3

Tima Bell ~ Salvage, New Pic  ››  posted: Aug 30 '11  |  see all Salvage, New Pic

Tima Bell
Anchor 3

Felix Cambou ~ iphone app design  ››  posted: Aug 30 '11  |  see all

Felix Cambou