Apr '14 - Nov '14
The team continued work on the wall panels by fixing support bars for the windows in the openings as well as started to clad the external walls on the north and south façades.
This cladding process involved painting the wall panels, laying and fixing the 'z' and head flashings we had made for the plywood shadow clad system to the walls.
With windows being prepared and walls being clad the building feels like it is started to come together.
Studio 19 is a collaboration between UNITEC and Strachan Group Architects (SGA). Third year architecture students are given the opportunity to work along side SGA to design, document and build a project. The Brief from Ngāti Whātua O Ōrākei was to design of a master plan of eight houses for elderly tribe members. One of these houses is to be documented and built by the students.
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