Shubhra Goel

Shubhra Goel

Chandigarh, IN


Unlocking VOIDS//Transit Oriented Mixed-Use Development//Thesis Project

Transit oriented development, termed by Peter Calthorpe, is one of the approaches adopted globally to address the challenges of urban sprawl by concentrating the activities at a node or along a public transit corridor thereby increasing the efficiency of land utilization. The Indian cities are experiencing an unending spiral of habitats developing on peri-urban areas that lack infrastructure, yet are home to populations that cannot afford housing in the cities and commute to jobs within core cities using unsustainable commuting modes. It is imperative to focus on developing of dense, s o c i a l l y - m i x e d neighborhoods in cities. Such areas promote human-scale urban environments complemented by healthy  public green spaces, vibrant markets, and a range of affordable housing and public transportation options to maintain livability. At the same time, Indian cities are like organisms which possess ‘kinetic qualities’. They are constantly re-inventing and adjusting, growing and evolving. The new urban fabric needs to accommodate these dualities of Indian cities and enhance its character instead of imposing upon it. What if we leave an unfinished edge; a void; in these  neighbourhoods for the ‘organism’ to react upon? Perhaps a consciously placed  error in design’ in a well planned neighbourhood.

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Status: School Project
Location: New Delhi, IN