shimou chen

shimou chen

New York, NY, US


Micro Units - High rise Residential design in New York city

This project focus on the exploration of the shared wall conditions of housing units
and try to improve the wall condition to make fully use of the limited living space
of micro units. A wall which was shared by two house units can be just a solid wall
that separated the space. However, when treated as a line in plan view, it will create
many interesting space when the “ line” it will start to branch. The branch break the
cold boundary and create the shared space” like shared restroom or kitchen.
The branch also can merged back to simple wall.In the process of branches and
merges, more shared space could be generated and defined. Also, the wall could
be morph vertically from a solid wall to a liner structure element.The branch of the
wall in the front facade generated two types studio: one ends with a bedroom and
another a large balcony. When the floor branch vertically, it in one wall squeeze into
a rise- up bedroom and a large balcony with board view.Different program like “ one
bedroom, two bedroom and office area” can be generated based on the two units.
And, in turn, these program as a strong factor which affect whole housing system

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Status: School Project