Sanhita Bhargva

Sanhita Bhargva

New York, NY, US


Transit Oriented Development - Ramsey Station

Project Mission Statement

To create a transit stop that embraces the opportunity for light rail transportation system, campus expansion, and the new wave of Ecological Urbanism

Goals and Objectives:

1. Design Light rail system

  • Create a stop to connect Ramsey Center and other facilities.
  • Propose a new bus system to make efficient transportation
  • Adjust bike path and pedestrian walk to correlate with  the new light rail system

2. Increase Campus connection and Expansion

  • Create a connection between Five Points area and the new train station
  • Connect residential area of graduate housings to other facilities
  • Offer retail and office spaces around the station for less carbon foot print

3 Respond to the movement of Ecological Urbanism

  • Reduce and re-utilize the existing footprints as much as possible
  • Restore and improve the hydrological connectivity of the site
  • Suggest the expansion of green corridor that correlates with the campus green infrastructure master plan.
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Status: School Project
Location: Athens,GA
Additional Credits: Tum Suppak, Sean Hufnagel & Zongni Gu