

Hitchin, GB


Stoneythorpe Eco-Village, UK

Planning application for Stoneythorpe Village; an exciting zero carbon settlement of up to 800 new homes with supporting retail, commercial and community facilities. 

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Stratford, GB
Firm Role: Master Planning and Urban Design
Additional Credits: Eco-Design Consultants; Mayer Brown Transport Planners; Cerda Planning; Ecolocation Ecology

Stoneythorpe_Visioning Master Plan
Stoneythorpe_Visioning Master Plan
Stoneythorpe_Local Centres
Stoneythorpe_Local Centres
Stoneythorpe_Local Centre Arrangement
Stoneythorpe_Local Centre Arrangement
Stoneythorpe_Illustrative Master Plan
Stoneythorpe_Illustrative Master Plan