

Hitchin, GB

Aje House, Ibadan, Nigeria
Aje House, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Aje House Master Plan, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria

Competition winning entry for the redevelopment of Aje House - an iconic modernist tower at the heart of Ibadan’s Central Business District - and adjoining parcels to create SMART offices and a mix of supporting facilities.

As part of an invited design competition, a Master Plan has been prepared for the redevelopment of a core area of Downtown Ibadan in Oyo State, Nigeria. 

This includes the renovation of  Aje House - a 14 storey tower, podium and cluster of smaller buildings and structures amounting to 2,560 m2 of prime commercial space.

Within the resultant proposal, the core of the existing structure is retained while the podium is extended to provide a range of supporting retail, commercial and hospitality activities and present a ‘front door’ to Lebanon Road; one of Ibadan’s commercial spines. A separate structure seeks to accommodate parking requirements while a roof top restaurant, bar and lounge frames a view to Mokola Hill and Agobi Gardens.

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Status: Competition Entry
Location: Ibadan, NG
Firm Role: Architect, Planner

Ibadan Masterplan view
Ibadan Masterplan view
Ibadan Masterplan view
Ibadan Masterplan view
Ibadan Masterplan view
Ibadan Masterplan view