Dan Lashmore

Dan Lashmore

Norwalk, CT, US

proposed rendering - West entrance view
proposed rendering - West entrance view
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404 Fifth Avenue

This speculative office building project for a local electrical contractor was designed to meet LEED Silver standards for New Construction while meeting a strict budget. Sustainability was key from the projects inception and our clients shared our vision of the first “green” office building in the area. Some of the “green” features included: close proximity to existing community services, daylighting and cross ventilation, recycled and renewable materials, thin film photovoltaics, and FSC™ certified wood used in the exterior panels. Additional measures taken to ensure minimal carbon footprint included the incorporation of horizontal sunshades, fixed vertical louvers, high performance glazing, occupancy sensors and incentives for public transportation and ultra low emmissions vehicle use. Water use was minimized via the use of dual flush toilets and water efficient landscaping. Other green features included on site stormwater management, construction waste management, the use of local and low-emitting materials, and the storage and collection of recyclables.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Pelham, NY, US
My Role: Project Manager

proposed rendering - view from fifth avenue
proposed rendering - view from fifth avenue