The University of Idaho, Clearwater, Nez Perce and Latah Counties and other interested entities are jointly studying the promotion of viticulture in the Lewistion- Clarkston Valley region. The final overlay map is composed of the aspect, slope, land use, and soils maps. This map is broken down into valid areas for possible vineyards. The darker colored areas are not suitable for grape growing based on the ranking I during the overlay process in GIS.
As seen in the map, all of the counties have areas suitable for grape growing. However, further research needs to be conducted for a more suitable outcome of vineyards. It should be stated that the soils information for the tables were not fully accurate. These areas should be optional for grape growing. The America Viticulture Area (AVA) boundary would have been the best possible area for grape growing. In order for this region to succeed in the market, there needs be a stronger influence on the culture for full support of vineyards. People would have to be fully determined to make sure vineyards could make its way into the market for full profit. Further research should be conducted in areas I chose for best grape growing.
Status: School Project
Location: Moscow, ID, US