Lucia Maria Rugnon

Lucia Maria Rugnon

Madrid, ES


Houses in Boadilla

The difference between a flat and a house is its relationship with the open space. We have thought in a house in which each living space relates to the courtyard. In which, the garden pressure to get inside. Another main idea is to hug the outer space where the swimming pool is with the public spaces of the house so it can be enjoyable even in winter.
We also wanted to minimise the circulations areas so most of the house can be used for living space.
For the section we defined sloping roofs. Each volume has its slops towards inside. This reinforces an idea of individuality. Every house of the neighbour participates pointing its own presence without mimic but establishing a relationship between shapes.  
The shape of the plant results in a strong volume, so the façade has to be quiet. The only disruption is where the entrance get in and the plain façade vanish to fuse with a canopy.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Madrid - Spain