In response to the lack of shelving space available within the Phenomenal Research Center (PRC) at Southern Illinois University, a modular shelving unit has been devised to meet the user’s needs and to satisfy personal visual taste.
The modular composition explores the concept of Lindenmayer Systems as a solution of interchangeable units flexible to the user’s vision. Lindenmayer Systems also known as L-Systems was selected for its growth process based on specific variables influencing the overall design.
- Initial String: A: A+, A--^
- Start: A
- Iterations: 10
- A [Geometry]:
Replacement Process:
0) A
1) A+, A--^
2) A+, A--^+, A+, A--^--^
3) A+, A--^+, A+, A--^--^
4) A+, A--^+, A+, A--^--^, A+, A--^--^--^
5) A+, A--^+, A+, A--^--^, A--^--^+, A+, A--^+, A+, A--^--^+, A+, A--^+, A+, A--^--^--^--^
Interpretive Process
- String: A+, A--^+
- Interpretation Rules:
(+) = Turn right 90 degrees
(-) = Turn left 90 degrees
(^) = Scale x2
Status: Built
Location: Carbondale, IL, US