Donald Butera

Donald Butera

Princeton, IN, US

Emotional Atlas - A Cartography study of Carbondale
Emotional Atlas - A Cartography study of Carbondale

Emotional Atlas


Our daily routines ignore a vast amount of information
the world feeds us, primarily because today’s
world is always on the run, easily distracted, and
commonly manipulated.  The primary purpose
behind this project was to enhance familiarity with
the surrounding environment we unknowingly
associate ourself with.  Our senses are the determining
factor in the next decision, direction, and movement
we make.  With this understanding, I seek to focus on
visual aids, more importantly color and how it may
control our environment.

Our senses subconsciously explore the surrounding
world while we unknowingly can be manipulated by
laid out signs and symbols.  Aware of the psychological
effects of color and how they control our actions and
reactions, I decided to venture into a dominant color
controlled scenario.  Downtown Carbondale was
the starting location, each following step controlled
by a dominating color.      

This devised experiment becomes an analysis tool to
better formulate theories subjective to our immediate
surrounding and the dominant colors found with in
them.  Designed for user interpretation, forcing each
individual to formulate a hypothesis based on color
and whether or not it unintentionally or purposely
finds its way into our life.

Do we live in a:
- Color dictated environment?
- Environment dictated by color?

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Status: School Project
Location: Carbondale, IL, US