Hunter Ruthrauff

Hunter Ruthrauff

San Diego, CA, US


Wedge Shed

This studio's focus was a hybrid design-build and installation pedegogy coined as "insurgent" architecture. The studio teamed up with a non-profit composting company in the Methow Valley and the Twisp PDA to build a shed that would house a bio-digesting machine for the city of Twisp.The project was parametrically modeled and driven by two factors: material dimensions and ergonomics. Parameterizing the project enabled the studio to quickly and easily discuss design strategy making modification in near real time. It was decided early to use the  primitve geometery of a torus to in order to ease manufacturing while gaining a degree of geometric complexity.  Each band running horizontally is exactly the same allowing for the team to devise jigs to rapidly and precisely turn out structural panels. The project was initially exhibited as Gould Hall before being shipped to Twisp.

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Status: Built
Location: Twisp, WA, US