Pablo Ruiz

Pablo Ruiz

Logroño, ES



During my six years of experience, working with a firm and independently, I have both designed building plans and worked with clients and colleagues to recreate their ideas using sketches and virtual rendering. My background includes diverse projects, such as urban design, renovations, additions, and new construction. Some examples include renovation of shops, the interior design of a flat down to the smallest detail, design of contemporary single-family homes, condominium buildings and their surrounding areas. Consequently, I am able to problem-solve for large and small scale projects, both interior and exterior, assuring that I can serve your clients regardless of their architectural needs.

Furthermore, I have experience in the development of the project at all stages. Most of my works involved first meeting with clients to determine their needs. Then, advising them through the conceptual process until the final ideas are in place, all the while guiding them with freehand sketches and plans based upon their decisions. Next, I would write the project using CAD plans, create a detailed list of the construction materials, and prepare a cost estimate. Finally, my experience includes managing the construction process, and ensuring that the final product complies with the original written plans.  As you can see from my resume, I have excelled in these areas for many diverse projects.

At a personal level I am a highly motivated and conscientious worker, who looks forward to new challenges and always tries to exceed expectations. Similarly, I am a proactive and decisive person who continuously strives to solve problems by considering several options until a solution is found. Additionally, I enjoy working in a collaborative, fast-paced environment that nurtures creativity. With regard to client interaction, my focus is fully geared toward pleasing the client by catering to their tastes and budgets.



Independent Architect, Logroño, ES, Project Architect

Participated in the following projects:

-Renovation of a bar in Logrono. May 2009.
-Competition for a language school building in Zaragoza (Spain). May 2009.
-Competition for a restaurant pavilion in Soria. October 2009 .
-Restoration Works of a home in Ortigosa de Cameros, La Rioja (Spain). January 2010. In progress
-Restoration Works of a flat in Colón av._Logroño (Spain). January 2010.
-Adaptation of a locale to a clothe shop in Gran Via st._Logroño, La Rioja (Spain). July 2010.
-Restoration works of a flat in Old Logroño City. La Rioja (Spain). October 2010.
-Restoration works of the main entrance to a flat building in Perez Galdós av. Logroño, La Rioja (Spain). November 2010. In progress.
-Competition for renovation of interior space in Buñol castle. Buñol, Comunidad Valenciana, (Spain). July 2011.
-Competition “Foro Habitat 2011” for a 100 flat building in Madrid. December 2011.

Jan 2009 - current

CEOSA S.L., Logroño, ES, Project Manager

-September 2007-April 2008: Assistant Project Manager of a 100 home building in (El
Campillo) Logroño. 9.5 million Euros overall cost estimate. Project execution supervision, personnel coordination, supervision of the ordering and arrival of materials, development and presentation of estimate comparison for the company’s purchase manager.

-April 2008-December 2008: Company Project Manager in Hungary. Offer request from local and Spanish enterprises operating in Hungary, personnel search in Budapest, mediation between the enterprise and local government, revision and modification of projects developed by Hungarian architects, in order to increase productivity and cost efficiency.
Managed the following projects:
-317 homes. District XIII of Budapest. 17 million Euros overall cost estimate.
-40 homes. District II of Budapest.

Sep 2007 - Dec 2008

GOCESOR Arquitectura y Urbanismo, S.L, Logroño, ES, Project Architect

Drafting and design work. Collaborated as an architect in the following projects:

6 Homes in Oyón (Spain)
9 Homes, garages and storage rooms in Villamediana de Iregua (Spain).
4 Homes in Agoncillo (Spain).
Civil Guard Headquarters Building in Torrecilla en Cameros (Spain).
39 Homes in Santurde (Spain).
House in Igea (Spain).
80 Homes, garages and storage rooms in Villamediana de Iregua (Spain).
16 Homes y 132 apartments in Torrecilla en Cameros (Spain).
Urban Design Project of the sector S.U.D. R-4 of Torrecilla en Cameros (Spain).
Conservation Project of the building “Universidad de los padres escolapios” in the area of “Las Viñuelas” of Albelda de Iregua (Spain).

Jul 2006 - Jul 2007


Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, ES, Rehabilitation and Restoration Minor.

Sep 2004 - Jun 2006

Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, ES, BArch, Architecture

Final Project with a calification 8/10

Sep 1999 - Jun 2006


Muestra Joven de Artes Plásticas en La Rioja, 2nd Place

First place winner (2006) and second place winner (2008) in the Installation Category of the Youth Sample of Plastic Arts. (Spain)


Muestra Joven de Artes Plásticas en La Rioja, 1st Place

First place winner (2006) in the Installation Category of the Youth Sample of Plastic Arts. (Spain)


Concurso PLADUR, Honorable Mention

Accésit at the national level and first place winner at the Universidad de
Navarra level of the PLADUR Competition. (Spain)


Concurso PLADUR, Honorable Mention

Accésit at the national level and first place winner at the Universidad de
Navarra level of the PLADUR Competition. (Spain)


Areas of Specialization 
