Mayra Flores

Mayra Flores

Boston, MA, US



I am an graduate student from Boston Architectural College and fashion designer of MAS MMERAKI who strives for multidimensionality, not mediocrity. 

MAS MMERAKI defines it as doing something with the soul, creativity, or love; when you leave a piece of yourself in your work. This is why I name my brand MMERAKI; it describes our work process perfectly.

Architecture and fashion are both passions of MAS MMERAKI. Being a student of architecture allows us to understand the design world from a different perspective. It allowed us to mesh both worlds in a collaborative setting.


Urban Determination, Boston, MA, US, Architectural Designer

Field measurements & translating it into plan or 3D
Develop & produced schematic designs for various projects
Facilitated meetings between clients

Mar 2024 - current


Boston Architectural College (BAC), Boston, MA, US, BArch, Architecture

Aug 2019 - May 2024

Areas of Specialization