Mayra Flores

Mayra Flores

Boston, MA, US


The Core

Throughout the five-year odyssey of studying architecture, a discernible and recurring theme emerged—burnout. Many students find themselves on the brink of exhaustion as they push their limits to complete final projects: consecutive all-nighters, erratic eating habits, large amounts of coffee consumption, and the notorious lack of sleep. This lifestyle, while often glorified as a rite of passage, is unhealthy and warrants more open discussion. In light of these experiences, I chose to explore the concept of chakras as the foundation of my design. Chakras, representing energy centers within the body, offer a holistic approach to self-awareness, touching upon aspects of anatomy, mental health, and overall well-being. My decision to delve into this ancient philosophy stemmed from a profound belief that architecture can and should contribute to creating spaces that promote healing and rejuvenation. Thus, my thesis project became an 
exploration of how architectural design can intertwine with the principles of chakras to foster environments that prioritize the holistic wellness of their occupants.

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Status: School Project
Location: Boston, MA, US
My Role: Degree Project