osda studios

osda studios

Ennis, TX


NW Gateway Park and Streetscape

Downtown Fort Worth, Inc. was interested in creating a northwest gateway aesthetic into the downtown area at intersections of Forest Park Blvd. and West Belknap Street.

So in April of 2005 Mr. Phillips was asked to provide conceptual designs that created a park space in the largest median that could show off sculpture as an aesthetic.

Phillips’ team of landscape architects and urban designers proposed some roadway changes, as well as overlaying a pedestrian sidewalk system in the medians.

What came out of the design charrette was a sculpture garden in the main median with additional landscape in the other medians.  CD’s were developed in 2009.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Fort Worth, TX, US
Firm Role: Lead Master Planner/Landscape Architect/Urban Designer
Additional Credits: Huitt-Zollars; Engineers