Nikola Štefanac

Nikola Štefanac

Graz, AT


Multimedia centre and museum, Krk

A client for this project was the municipality of Krk in Croatia. The task was to design a museum that was to house the treasures of the episcopal see of Krk. The building itself in which the museum was to be located was adjacent to the town’s Romanesque cathedral. Our proposal was to connect the underground archaeological layers beneath the cathedral and the building’s basement so the exhibition would involve its historical architecture and archeological levels as well as its episcopal collection. As the proposal upon further examination proved impractical, and the bishop was reluctant to house the collection inside the municipal building, the design started to take a form intended to charm the clergy. Museum is housed in an existing two-storey building whose rooms we converted to exhibition spaces and an entrance lobby, with additional spaces and communications added to the north.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Krk, HR
My Role: project architect
Additional Credits: Turato Architects (Idis Turato, Josip Mičetić)