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Like everyone else who's heading back to school this fall, I'm not yet prepared to let go of summer. There are so many things I wanted to do but haven't yet done! I just need a bit more time. I'm not ready yet! — Harvard GSD (Lian)
Do you remember when you took driving lessons and the teacher said to be particularly careful about your speed when you're exiting a highway, because you've adjusted to its high speeds? Same thing here, the other way around. And the lazy pace of a summer of glorious unemployment surely also helps, but a walk to the gym, to the river, or to see friends a few blocks away is enough for me at the moment. — Harvard GSD (Lian)
An institution isn't just a logo, a set of buildings and protocols, and the legal and economic capacity to grant degrees, hire employees, and command public attention. It's not a means to an end—a place where you cough up your time, money, and effort in exchange for other goods, such as credentials or a salary. An institution is built on traditions, community, and relationships built one at a time between the people who make themselves a part of it. It is a family, of sorts. — Harvard GSD (Lian)
And, well, now I'm in the hospital after a bicycle accident yesterday, waiting for surgery on my foot, ankle, and leg. Luckily I didn't hurt anything else. But you can follow my progress, in all the gory details, over the next few weeks at HKGBOS. — Harvard GSD (Lian)
Get well soon Lian! View full entry
Jacques Herzog: I don't believe in books on architecture; they're bound to fail and disappear even sooner than architecture...which can last for hundreds of years [before disappearing]. Not that I don't respect people who write books. — Harvard GSD (Lian)
Harvard’s Department of History of Art and Architecture and the Graduate School of Design are developing a new undergraduate concentration in architectural studies planned to be offered for the first time in the fall of 2012. —
Korea GSD hosts one of the very best Beer and Dogs* events of the year because they prepare Korean food and a dance performance. This year, the Graduate School of Education (GSE) also sent a group to perform. — Harvard GSD (Lian)