David Yoon, an LA-based writer, designer and self-proclaimed "urban planning geek" has developed a fascinating photo-study of Los Angeles called "Narrow Streets". Yoon photographs streets across the city, then manipulates them in Photoshop, giving them the appearance of being much narrower. The results are often amazing.
David Yoon, an LA-based writer, designer and self-proclaimed "urban planning geek" has developed a fascinating photo-study of Los Angeles called "Narrow Streets". Yoon photographs streets across the city, then manipulates them in Photoshop, giving them the appearance of being much narrower. The results are often amazing.
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I actually prefer many streets narrow like that.
I prefer smaller too.
SO cool. I always consider wide urban (not suburban) streets a Western US phenomena - downtown Tucson, Austin, Phoenix etc. have wide downtown streets, whereas Philly has streets you can barely fit a contemporary car down.
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