Less than a decade after a spate of record-breaking condo towers reached new heights in New York, the first reports of defects and complaints are beginning to emerge, raising concerns that some of the construction methods and materials used have not lived up to the engineering breakthroughs that only recently enabled 1,000-foot-high trophy apartments. — The New York Times
The New York Times on complaints about substantial "leaks, creaks, breaks" in NYC's preeminent supertall ultraluxury condo tower, and briefly also tallest residential building in the world, 432 Park Avenue.
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I believe I made a mistake when I bought a 30-story one-bedroom apartment. --Steve Martin in 1981
Here we goooo
I wish that movie had been better.
Looks like the re-boot could be a documentary!
the book is much better.
The marketing should have found a creative way to sell the unique things like creaking during a wind storm and the slight swaying feeling as features to celebrate. As for the defective Elevators, that is something that needs to be fixed.
The living it up in a supper skinny supper tall may not be a long lasting fad after-all.
I find the higher the amount clients shell out for a home the more exacting their demands become, but not all of those demands are unreasonable.
Over and OUT
Peter N
don't really understand why NYT is trying to embarrass its own city
why? i say, it's about time, mutha fucker.
if you're not building >800 feet y ou're not doing it right
"don't really understand journalism" FTFY
you'd have to define journalism. this isn't it.
you can get a sense of the motivations here. just pandering
won't anyone think of the billionaires
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