Natalia Revelo

Natalia Revelo

Philadelphia, PA, US


Achitecture and Power

This project aims to highlight the relationship between architecture
and power. Specifically looking at how architecture practices are used
to reinforce hierarchical power structures within the public sector of
cities. These practices are being done mostly without input from
the community; therefore, it is creating a top-down structure that
imposes these practices on the public. For this project I am asking
the question, what would happen if the power structures were
eliminated from the equation? What would bus stops and shelters
designed by the community that they serve look like and how would
that differ from what is currently available in the city? In order to do
this experiment, design charrettes were held in various neighborhoods
in Philadelphia and participants could share their experiences with bus
shelters, reflect on what could be improved, and contribute designs. For
my installation, I am focusing on the motivation, design, and management
of bus stops and shelters as a way to learn more about this practice. As
an interactive installation, the viewer begins on the right and learns about
the current strucutre as well as an alternative and inclusive strucutre.
The viewer can then participate in the design charrette by contributing
critique of current bus shelters, observing bus shelters around the world,
providing suggestions, and lastly producing own design.
Winner of Charles William Peale Prize for Outstanding Thesis Installation
in the Visual Studies department of the University of Pennsylvania
Mixed media: Tempera, vinyl lettering, paper, print, projection

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Status: School Project