The project is about testing the possibilities that ultimately arise with a collapse Iceland has
seen. The modern ideological system which governed Iceland in every way has failed and
Iceland is now about actualizing opportunities, not admiring false visions. How do designers
navigate within this new reality? Are we going to look backwards and let the future
happen or are we going to fi nd a way to navigate forward using what we have at hand? DIY
Reykjavik pavilion is about political controversy, new economy, new technology and community
to ask questions about Iceland’s future.
Initiated, designed and constructed by Shift members along with family and friends the
spring of 2009. The project was based on free contributions of building material importer,
who after economic collapse ended up with full a warehouse of returned products. The
pavilion consists of 1000 different triangles, folded and riveted together with 7000 aluminum
Status: Built
Location: Reykjavík, IS
My Role: Project Manager, Project Architect