Mykyta Lytvynenko

Mykyta Lytvynenko

Weimar, DE


Terra Hotel Project

Project created with the Samaha Studio.

Hotel complex in the desert landscape of Santa Cruz River Valley, Arizona, United States.
Complex consists of:
- Main block - Reception, Office, Dining Area
- 6 hotel units, each of whose divided in 2 blocks - living and bedroom
- Playground and recreational area

My part of work on this project was to create a distinctive exterior concept and to create the interiors.
I was working on 3d model in 3ds Max, preparing it for the final renders, and created the final plans in Archicad.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Santa Cruz, AZ, US
My Role: Designer, Modeller
Additional Credits: Andriy Aksonov (Lead architect), Elina Manvelova, Ted Prudnikov (Rendering).