Mykyta Lytvynenko

Mykyta Lytvynenko

Weimar, DE


Casa Wabi Competition Proposal

Competition project, done in Samaha Studio.

Greenhouse concept for Casa Wabi Foundation - non-profit Civil
Association that promotes an exchange between contemporary art and local
Located near Puerto Escondido, Mexico, Casa Wabi is a community art
center, designed to carry the principles of Japanese philosophy
Wabi-Sabi. Pavilions on the site were designed by world-famous
architects, such as Tadao Ando, Alvaro Siza and Kengo Kuma.

Goal was to create a poetic meditation space, that corresponds the
surrounding balance of nature and Wabi-Sabi-inspired architecture.
My task was to create a concept under the guidence of the chef
architect, to make a 3-D model and prepare it for the final renders.

Chief architect: Andriy Aksonov.
Final renders: Ted Prudnikov.

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Status: Competition Entry
Location: Puerto Escondido, MX
My Role: Designer, Modeller
Additional Credits: Samaha Studio, Andriy Aksonov, Ted Prudnikov.