Moto Designshop Inc.

Moto Designshop Inc. Diversity Badge

Latinx, Asian/Pacific Islander owned

Philadelphia, PA


Flying Fish Brewing Company

This well-known NJ brewery had been producing incredible beer at its Cherry Hill, NJ location for many years and had out grown its space. After a quick search, the company found a new home in Somerdale, NJ in the former record production building of Motown Records. Once the brewery was up and running, the Owner tasked us with economically transforming this old industrial building into their new home to showcase their identity.

This multi-phase project addressed the exterior façades, interior functionality and new tasting room. The exterior, clad in inexpensive corrugated panels and painted with graphics, depicts brewing ingredients while the Flying Fish logo sets overhead in a large yellow sun. Custom perforated panels are gradated to create a visual fade around the suns edge while at the southern façade, the public entry to the tasting room is defined by a bottle wall installation. Inside, the tasting room is set up to be a flexible space, able to host not only the thirsty beer aficionado on a brewery tour, but also a large corporate event.

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Status: Under Construction
Location: Somerdale, NJ, US
Firm Role: Design Architect