Moto Designshop Inc.

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Latinx, Asian/Pacific Islander owned

Philadelphia, PA


Fallen Heroes Memorial

The Fallen Heroes Memorial Fund sought a design concept that will provide the blue print to build an updated memorial creating a space of “solitude, respect, honor and remembrance.”  The Fund engaged the Philadelphia Chapter of the AIA as an advisor to the competition process and after reviewing 21 design entries, the Fund selected Moto Designshop to design the new memorial.  

Situated in Franklin Square Park, the site is configured to create a processional sequence towards a fixed white marble cube. The ground surface contains perpendicular stones in various tones and finishes, each engraved with texts, quotes and memories of those fallen. The cube is wrapped in a black stone band, emulating the band or veil placed over a badge in respect to a fallen hero. The surrounding landscape, retained by a Corten steel wall, slopes up towards the monument and encompasses the visitor creating an intimate moment of reflection. Evergreens stand at attention around the memorials edge, reminiscent of an honor guard. With a host of symbolic gestures representing common traditions of honoring the fallen, the Memorial hopes to capture and speak to the culture and tradition of our great First Responders. From the plaza and stage area for the annual ceremonies, to the markers that list the Heroes’ names, the Memorial provides a place of remembrance at a community level as well as an individual one.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Philadelphia, PA, US
Firm Role: Design Architect