Moto Designshop Inc.

Moto Designshop Inc. Diversity Badge

Latinx, Asian/Pacific Islander owned

Philadelphia, PA


6th Street Gallery

The emphasis on ‘blight to bright’ framed a design context which emphasized the mix of existing elements with new ideas. Creating a mixed-use program which stimulated community interest was important to success of the project.  With an art gallery on the ground floor and residential apartments above, the existing shell was stabilized and reused while interior spaces were demolished and reconfigured. The mixed palate of materials speaks to the nature of the community and ideas behind the project.  The gallery’s glass corner is the fulcrum of the project serving as threshold between existing and new, light and dark, past and future.

2009 AIA Philadelphia / Honor Award Built
2009 AIA Philadelphia / Merit Award Divine Detail

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Status: Built
Location: Old Kensington, Philadelphia, PA