Mork Ulnes Architects

Mork Ulnes Architects

San Francisco, CA | Oslo, NO


Market AF

Located on an abandoned city block once home to a trucking facility, this project is the sustainable, adaptive re-use of much of the existing warehouses for retail, a food hall, beer hall, recreational club, a 1000 person music venue, coworking space, a spa, and events hall. The existing facility has a scale and charm that is mostly maintained at the exterior save for repairs, structural upgrades, energy efficient windows, and a fresh coat of paint. Interiors are completely upgraded. Interspersed in the complex are a new set of structures as well, in black steel and concrete, to house additional programs to transform this city block into a true live-work area. These additional programs include a floating boutique hotel with 48 units, commissary kitchen and greenhouse, and 44 units across two housing blocks at the rear.

Status: Built
Location: Sacramento, CA, US