Minji Kim

Minji Kim

New York, NY, US


The History of Garden Museum in Copenhagen

I designed The History of Garden Museum in Copenhagen, focusing on the history of parks in Copenhagen.

Copenhagen has parks which were laid out on the grounds of the old fortification ring after it was decommissioned in the 1870s, the parks still retains elements from the old fortifications in its topography. The Fortification Ring has been dominated by a number of parks and distinctive greenspaces and it is still maintained and developed as a green belt within the city limits. Therefore, the greenspaces make the city more active and pleasant environment. The citizens in Copenhagen have a new greenspace, getting information about the history of parks in the museum.

The design of museum was inspired by the shape of old fortifications which are still clearly seen in the topography in Copenhagen. The characteristic of fortification is enclosed by water and walls, so I used them as a concept. The walls are used in the boundary of site and road . the water is on the north where the entry for the building is located. When people have to enter the building, they encounter the walls first, making them curious about the building and then see the water. After crossing the bridge, they will finally see the site. At this moment, they feel the quiet, calm atmosphere and nature environment.

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Status: School Project
Location: Copenhagen, DK