INK Architects

INK Architects

Almaty, KZ

Main lobby view
Main lobby view
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Hilton Astana

Hilton Astana is a brand new hotel within a new social and community-driven part of the city – the futuristic exhibition complex Astana EXPO 2017. The idea was to create a hotel as a place of cultural significance with a traditional approach to luxury hotel design, using generous proportions and spectacular views to make the hotel an icon within the cityscape. INK Architects Kazakhstan architecture and design company developed the project in the ultimate short period - 90 days.

The hotel design inspired by a place unique nature and cultural heritage. The conceptual basis involves three key elements: nature, culture, and history of Central Kazakhstan. One of the dominant symbols of the city is a golden stalk of wheat, which represents its land cultivation and prosperity. Along with stylized samples of folk art, the rich culture and history appear in many furniture elements: carpeted floors, decorative installations and in the shapes of the lighting devices.
Hilton Astana is a mixture of modern European design and touches of Central Asia motives. The traditional local national patterns elegantly adorn the lobby carpets, creating contemporary interiors to provide a balance of modernity and timeless tradition. In the atrium of Hilton Astana the golden saxaul, one of the main art element, is a work of art worthy of contemplation. Saxaul is a relict tree covered with myths, legends, and miraculous properties. 

The noble assemble of blue and yellow in the lobby, the main colors of the country, is creating an inviting ambiance, the most welcoming and gracious flow. A full-height atrium decorated with the classic elegance of stone and gold in crafted art elements, including floating eagles, the nomad symbol of freedom and independence, as an important part of Kazakhstan culture.

The hotel features 253 contemporary guest rooms and suites, a 207 square-meter Presidential Suite, 4,000 square meters events space, 1,900 square meters spa center, designed with comfort and luxury. Spacious Executive Lounge features private meeting space, city skyline views with comfortable dining place. 

INK Architects team led by Nurlan Kamitov has succeeded in the main goal - to create a traditional European style 5 star International hotel with local motives and national character. Each element meticulously planned and executed to create the ultimate expression of luxury and glamour. 

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Status: Built
Location: Astana, KZ
Firm Role: Architect of Interior Design
Additional Credits: Nurlan Kamitov - lead architect
Andrey Kutelev - Hilton accredited photographer

Main lobby restaurant
Main lobby restaurant
Main lobby bar
Main lobby bar
Saksaul lobby element
Saksaul lobby element
Main lobby
Main lobby