Huichao Han

Huichao Han

New York, NY, US

an 18th century Dutch still-life painting
an 18th century Dutch still-life painting
4 more images  ↓

Parafictional Object

Architects do not make buildings; they make representations that lead to buildings. In contemporary art, one of the most relevant practices for architecture can be found under the loose heading of parafiction. Parafictional art uses every medium available through which to open an aesthetic investigation of realism. Reality is not realism. Realism is an aesthetic argument regarding the tensions
between reality and representation. In the gaps and tensions between the multiple mediations, the estrangement of realism is found and the doubt of the reality is presented. In this project, our goal is to create a parafictional story for an object extracted and transformed from a 17th century Dutch still-life painting.

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Status: School Project
My Role: designer, modeler
Additional Credits: Qiuyun Chen

manipulation of the object - step one
manipulation of the object - step one
manipulation of the object - step two
manipulation of the object - step two
a parafictional story
a parafictional story
a parafictional creature
a parafictional creature