Habitat Manhattan/ A Housing for 1000 artists
Delancey St., Lower Manhattan, NY
A live-work environment for 1000 artists that explores a particular strain of visionary (And now sometimes realized) urbanism, involving spherical geometries; this project contributes to a wider understanding of the sphere as geometry.
Pointed to one extreme where subdivisions and surfaces are coincident. The other extreme pointed to subdivisions privileging the structure qualities of minimal surface geometry. My Interest falls in between these two spectrums.
This project looks at the implications of producing a controlled transformation of a given surface template and creates continuity between organizational states of the program(Live-Work-Show) in relation to the logic of sphere as a cell and how that can create new ideas of Utopian cities and housing as architecture project.
To understand the different aspects of this project, I looked into studies of art, artist’s lives,
tessellation templates, envelope & geometrical studies and the social fabric of New York City.
Status: School Project
Location: Delancey St., Lower Manhattan, NY
Additional Credits: Instructor: Joe Deegan Day
Deegan-Day Design