Gaurav Kharkar & Associates

Gaurav Kharkar & Associates

Mumbai, IN


Kailash Parbhat Restaurant @ Ahmedabad

This restaurant has chains of restaurant which is loyal to its heritage of serving exotic recipes across the globe. This restaurant is spread over an area of 2075 sq.ft. & Kitchen 775 sq.ft. The interiors of this iconic restaurant is very different from its earlier ventures. This restaurant not only serves the Mumbai chat but it also serves global cuisines like Italian, Mexican & Oriental.

Keeping this into mind we have tried to achieve global appeal & not give a thematic decor. This restaurant has been given an apt look of a modern dining restaurant which has both global & casual aesthetics and defiantly suits the multi cuisine delicacy it serves.

We were very sure about the concept when we started designing this restaurant. We were head strong that the flooring and the ceiling would be the focal element of this restaurant keeping the other aspects a little somber in comparison of floor & the ceiling so that it doesn't loose out its charm & uniqueness.

This restaurant serves a delightful palette of white, cement grey & brown laminate which contrasts beautifully against the bright blue seating.

The furniture & layout of this restaurant has been kept simple & straight lined by giving lot of moving space around the tables. The layout has been segregated into zones:

  1. Waiting area
  2. Chat counter area
  3. .Restaurant area
  4. Private party cum restaurant area.

For this size restaurant we have given - 775 Sq.Ft. area Kitchen which has a back entry for its services. The furniture layout was done keeping it mind the varied size of group that would occupy them. So the preferred option was flexible seating arrangements.

To began with, the focal point of this restaurant is the criss-cross patterned tile, which when seen just as a single piece & tile would not have looked that appealing. But we as an architects have put the tiles in a very innovative pattern which definitely catches the eye of the people entering this restaurant.This unique pattern starts from the waiting area and further continues in the entire restaurant.

The second focal point is its innovative ceiling.  We wanted to introduce such an element which could depict the origin of this restaurant. The root place from where this restaurant started and evolved. This iconic restaurant started in Mumbai Colaba. Its quite fascinating to have your meal and at the same time enjoy while looking around the interesting decor of the restaurant. The ceiling has an innovative concept of black and white vinyl pictures of Mumbai which shows important  places, festivals,bollywood stars, chat hawkers, rickshaws and taxis randomly fixed on exposed aluminum box sections. this was created to create a sense of connectivity with the Mumbai roots. Above this aluminum sections the entire ceiling has been painted in black paint. The air conditioning ducts are kept exposed & also painted in black which smartly camouflages with the dingy ceiling.

Another interesting feature is the chat counter area which exudes warmth with subtle hues of brown & grey & has a unique cube shape forming a canopy above. The entire cube is finished in wooden finish vinyl.

The party hall cum restaurant area has been divided from the main restaurant with a pocket sliding glass door. For a feeling of continuity same flooring tile, wooden paneling, brick on the wall etc. have been repeated in this area with slight variations. This particular zone has loose furniture's which can be easily removed when party hall is in use. We wanted to ensure that good food is complimented with an equally alluring decor.

A perfect harmony of ceiling lights and soothing shades of brown,grey and white with a striking blue contrast  evoke a reposed ambience in the entire restaurant.

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Status: Built
Location: Ahmedabad, IN
Firm Role: Interior Architects
Additional Credits: Gaurav Kharkar & Associates Design Team
Photograph Credit - Sebastian Zachariah & Team