
Giving up on architecture


About two-and-a-half years ago, I posted a question asking if going back to school for architecture was a good idea. I remember the variety of responses and I especially remember the ones telling me to stay at my current job (graphic design). Well, sad to say, I think architecture has kicked my ass.

Maybe it's because I haven't had a break since I started school. Maybe it's my first child that my wife and I are expecting. Maybe I put too much pressure on myself. I'm not sure. All I know is that right now, I'm not having fun.

Anyway, thanks to all the helpful answers I have received in other matters on this site. It's been quite an education.

Nov 4, 04 10:15 pm


Nov 4, 04 11:48 pm  · 
Jordan Lloyd

I find architectural education a demanding, yet rewarding experience. The trick is to strike a balance between work and your social life.

Nov 5, 04 4:15 am  · 

Can't blame you dude, I'm not sure how I would've done my education with a wife and kid. Architecture education truly is wasted on the youth. How I wish I could go back to school but I'm sure the "real world" would creep in and destroy the euphoria I had back when I was a young undergrad, spending 24/7 eating, sleeping and breathing architecture.

Nov 5, 04 9:35 am  · 


Can't take it frail one.

You get your ass back here boy!!!

And take that Hill I mean you Take those Exams.

You gonna go cry to your mommy.

You will make more money than all of us hacks
and have the last laugh.
I'll suggest two words.
Good luck kid.

Nov 5, 04 10:46 am  · 
Devil Dog

why are you giving up on architecture?

is it the competition in studio among your classmates? are you not satisfied with your education? do you think you will not like the profession once you graduate? if you drop out of school, where/ what will you do instead?

i went to architecture school where several classmates were married and had children while in the program. yes, it's demanding but they tried hard to strike a balance. typically they worked more at home than in the studio to spend time with their family.

the education of an architect is arduous and grueling. it's hard work. many people in school, architecture included are immature. if they can't see that there are other things just as important if not more important than architecture in life, then they are not very well adjusted, realistic or compassionate.

most students feel they have to be martyrs to the profession, but what they really need is to be a martyr to themselves. what i mean is that you can't save the world through architecture. you can however, save yourself through architecture. tackle one project at a time and do the best possible job, put your best effort forth. that includes being a husband/ wife/ father/ mother.

architecture is important, but so are other things.

Nov 5, 04 12:56 pm  · 

I told ya so ;-)

On a more uplifting note, you now can do everything. I am working on architecture, 3D/animations, graphic design, and web design, all at once. It's pretty nice and makes a lot more money than just architecture. I like designing more than drafting, so that's what I am focusing on all fronts (maybe not the 3D, but it pays the best).

It just depends on your expectations and what will make you happy. Personally, I can't just give up on monetary freedom in the pursuit of 'good' architecture, so I try to balance it all.

You just have to keep your priorities straight and you'll be happy, eventually. Architecture demands a lot, both psychologically and physically (as in time and stress). I could never do it full time, working for someone else, at the typical pay rates. But doing it part time is incredibly fulfilling and motivating.

As DD said ' arhcitecture is important, but so are other things'

Nov 5, 04 3:35 pm  · 

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