
2011 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


@aag2022, you received the taubman package?

Mar 10, 11 2:25 pm  · 

@johnlem87 - that's the part that makes this so stressful. I just want to know where I'm going to be living in a few months. I want so desperately to be happy for everyone that has found out good news, but I feel so left out. And yes, it's making me insane. I mean, truly insane. Yes, I have been reloading that Wash U website so much that I'm sure it's going to eventually reach out of my computer and slap me across the face.

Are you waiting on other schools as well? After I hear back from Wash U, I still have seven more schools to hear from. Torture, complete torture...

Mar 10, 11 2:32 pm  · 

when it comes to admissions, i don't think there are any set markers that people necessarily need to hit. it really is holistic.

case in point:
i just got accepted into gsd w/ap with a b.a. architecture (four year, non-professional) from 2008 and, unfortunately, no work experience in the field. oh and instead of having the suggested 4-6 semesters of advanced design studio, i took only 2 in addition to an independent study i developed. was quite surprised when i got ap to say the least, but i feel very fortunate and happy.

Mar 10, 11 2:36 pm  · 

oh...oops! that's how a couple of schools i know of do it...thought it was common practice. oh well, scratch my comment...

Mar 10, 11 2:42 pm  · 


I'm waiting for all five schools. This is complete torture, but I guess it could be worse. That's exactly it! The only place close by is MIT, every other school I'd be moving far, far away. I need to make some serious decisions very soon, even open houses and traveling there and finding the appropriate time off of work and figuring out job situations! I'm glad we can be a part of this collective new misery. Did you apply early or what? I ended up getting everything over to Wash U pretty much on the deadline. Not by the deadline, but on it, haha.

Congrats for applying to eight schools! I had a difficult enough time applying to five.

Mar 10, 11 2:43 pm  · 

has anyone that applied to uc berkeley or ucla for their M. arch +2 programs heard back??

it appears on gradcafe that ucla posts were 3 yr program acceptances.

Mar 10, 11 2:46 pm  · 

@mitboi Yup. It came with a book of their faculty work, some pamphlets about the school, my admissions letter informing me of acceptance, merit scholarship and a physics deficiency i somehow have to take care of before June 29th when the program starts.

Mar 10, 11 2:46 pm  · 

Hi i have been a silent observer of archinect for the past year and this is the first time i am getting on a discussion.
I have been going crazy for the last week and especially since yesterday since UCLA and Sci Arc have sent their letters. I have been refreshing my g-mail and grad cafe pages all day !!!
I have applied to UCLA, Sci Arc and USC for M Arch 2

@bsh3 no news from UCLA......and yes they are for the 3 years.

The wait is killing me

Congrats to all the guys who have gotten their acceptance letters and i am with all the other guys who are waiting.

Mar 10, 11 2:56 pm  · 


As elinor implied, some schools rank undergraduate arch programs into those eligible and ineligible for AP. (I know Princeton does this). Perhaps those eligible for AP cannot be considered for non-AP?

Another reason I can think of, is that in my portfolio I had a broad range of work from arch projects to art, installations, furniture, etc. So maybe I got into non-AP because it was not exclusively an architecture portfolio, but demonstrated a breadth of interests akin to a non-arch liberal arts background? I don't know.


I will post portfolio soon. Very busy lately.

Mar 10, 11 2:58 pm  · 


have u heard anything from usc? any emails or ANYTHING?!? haha

i applied there too. hoping i can get in there if not ucla.

Mar 10, 11 3:04 pm  · 

@ bsh3

I have heard no news from them ! It feels like USC wants to lay low !!!
Where have u applied ?

Mar 10, 11 3:13 pm  · 

@aag2022, so summer studio starts on june 29th? eek.....

@ya2, thanks, no rush. :)

Mar 10, 11 3:17 pm  · 


dude(ha not sure if guy or girl) i applied to 7 places. ucla, usc, berkeley, sci-arc, woodbury, cca, n miami.

yeah USC actually lost my GRE scores and emailed to notify and that was like last week so i'm not even sure they have reviewed applications yet!

Mar 10, 11 3:24 pm  · 

For those still waiting on Cornell...

I just called to make sure they received a transcript I sent and I was told that the admissions committee is still working on reviewing applicants. Some decisions may be sent out starting tomorrow (very small chance) but that the majority will hear back early next week.

Mar 10, 11 3:51 pm  · 

Thanks, arketkt. I do want my results, but at the same time, I'm really scared to get them, you know?

@johnlem87 - I too applied to schools that would all require a major move. And I actually applied to 10, but I've received two rejections so far, and that's making all this that much harder. I just want one acceptance, and then I think that I will be able to back off of the insanity a bit. I did apply early to most of the schools, but not terribly early. I think I turned in WUSTL's app a month early, so they've had my stuff long enough at this point.

As far as open houses, I am gonna need plenty of time to plan travel arrangements, especially since I'll be going a long way no matter where I go.

Mar 10, 11 4:15 pm  · 
Token AE

FWIW, I think we all need to keep our pants on for a bit.

Most of the CA schools that we are anxiously waiting on announced admissions over a period of several days, if not a week the for past few years. It's not over until you get a rejection- getting worked up before then is just extra stress that you don't really have to deal with.

Mar 10, 11 4:19 pm  · 

Yes, cjw5027, you're right. I will try to remain calm and cool-headed about this. I'm running a half marathon on Sunday - that should act as a good de-stressor.

Mar 10, 11 5:15 pm  · 

I wish all of you guys/gals the best of luck. Personally, last year I failed at every school I applied to so I know where everyone’s head is at. I would recommend just remaining positive; UCLA, MIT and others are known to take weeks to deliver all of their acceptances via email. I’m rooting for everyone!

Mar 10, 11 5:20 pm  · 

UCLA Email: i was talking about this email to someone and they seemed to think that it is not them telling us we are accepted but rather just recommended for a second round of review. I was thinking that they just didn't want to say formally in an email. Whats your take?

This email is to informally let you know that our review committee has looked favorably upon your application and will be recommending to the Graduate Division that you be admitted into the M.Arch I program for the Fall 2011 term.

There will be an official letter sent soon from our department with further information about your admission. Later, you will receive an official notification from the Graduate Division regarding our recommendation.

The main reason we are sending out this informal email is to invite you to our Open House for admitted students. It will take place on March 27th and 28th. I have attached a flier and schedule of events for the two days. Hopefully you will be able to come and see UCLA in person, meet faculty and students and visit the offices and built work of some of our faculty.

Congratulations on being recommended for admission. Please do not hesitate to email me with any questions you may have.

Mar 10, 11 8:39 pm  · 

the email is simply telling u that they are recommending u for acceptance. for most universities, formal acceptance can only come from the graduate division of the entire college. so basically, you're in!

@frank is this for the 3 yr program?

Mar 10, 11 8:42 pm  · 

i have to say, its pretty fucking douchey of the university not getting their act together in time to actually admit in time for heir open house. If its any indication of how the department is run in general, I cant say im too disappointed that i didn't receive their "informal notification."

Mar 10, 11 8:46 pm  · 

it is for the 3 yr. so confused. i definitely do not want to be going to the open house all the way from phila when there is still a chance i will be denied. a chance that i think is actually decent as my undergrad GPA was not too great if looked at in a completely objective way as a Graduate Division would.

Mar 10, 11 9:03 pm  · 

Hi everyone. I've applied for M. Arch 3 year programs. My basics: BA in digital communications, low undergrad GPA (2.7) but better for graduate coursework done afterwards (3.5). GRE 620 Q / 690 V. Schools I've applied to:

GSAPP - out
Parsons - in, no word on aid yet
U Mich - in, 20k for 2 years
Berkeley - in-ish... recommended by arch dept but waiting for official word from grad division, no word on aid yet.

Also applied to: MIT, Oregon, CCNY.

My top two choices are Michigan and Berkeley. I'm having a hard time weighing the pros and cons of each, I know that they are both great schools. Financial considerations aside for a moment, can anyone help me clarify differences between the two? Specific strengths / weaknesses? Which is the better school? Thanks!

Mar 11, 11 2:57 am  · 

@ all MIT accpeted M.Arch I students...

do you know when the open house is? i'm a smarchs applicant, but i'm looking to make travel plans for gsd's open house on april 7, and would like to schedule my trip to accomodate MIT in the event that i'm accepted. thaynks!

Mar 11, 11 3:37 am  · 

The open house for MIT is also the 7th of April.

Mar 11, 11 4:03 am  · 


I don’t have much experience with Berkeley but I did my undergrad at Michigan and they just put a ton of money into upgrading their facilities, especially their fabrication shop. They also have one of the largest endowments of any architecture school in the US which means they can pull talent when they want to and they like to show their students a good time. I would definitely recommend TCAUP over Berkeley.

Mar 11, 11 9:31 am  · 
ext architect

No hear from Berkeley = Killing me.

Mar 11, 11 9:43 am  · 

@mikaelam first of all congrats on those awesome acceptances! I think that's a difficult decision if you arent automatically swayed by the bay area. This is my take on the differences based on talking with bunches of people/profs.

Michigan pros: it has completely revolutionized architectural education, articulating and implementing changes in the field with changes in the educational system. tons of fantastic faculty, amazing resources, lots of money, Dean Ponce de leon seems to be trying to create something cohesive with a very clear pedagogical trajectory.

also for what its worth, the design intelligence rating voted them # 1 overall and top 5 in every category - take that for what you will...

Michigan Cons: does not yet have the name recognition as some of the east coast iveys or berkeley who applicants and some employers seem to think of as their west coast cheaper counterpart. Its in the middle of ann arbor which means that it is a) possibly not the most enjoyable place for everyone to live, and b) more importantly, possibly disconnected from the general praxis on either coast...

Berkeley Pros: Its in the bay area which people seem to think is the best place to live and also connected to the west coast critical architectural elite. It has a reputation, weather valid or not, that gives it a certain pedigree when applying for jobs etc. It has an incredible diverse faculty and one of the strongest sustainability focuses in the country

Berkeley Cons: I have heard from professors of mine that it is a bit disjointed and disorganized as an architectural education. The diversity of the faculty as well as the lack of direction from the dean can at times mean that it doesnt have as much cohesion of purpose and direction as some other programs. Also, in general the UC system in bankrupt and the school has very little money, and the future in a bit unsound...

keep in mind my views could be clouded by the fact that i havent gotten into Berkeley yet, and have at mich so i might be a bit biased...

Mar 11, 11 11:23 am  · 

Saw on grad cafe that Cornell has notified at least one person. Don't know if it's legit or not, but just to let you all know, in case you're waiting for Cornell...

Mar 11, 11 11:53 am  · 


The Grad Cafe notification in 100% legit. I just received an email from Cornell stating I was accepted to their post-professional program. Momentarily

In: GSD MDesS, GSAPP MSAAD, Cornell MArch II and DAAP's MSArch
Out: GSD MArch II
Waiting for: MIT and 4 others.

I am an international student graduated from TU Delft in the Netherlands. I have applied mostly to post-professional programs in the United Stated. Choosing between these schools is very difficult for me. Hopefully financial aid information will make the whole process a bit easier.

Any Dutch student here going to US for studies?

Mar 11, 11 12:13 pm  · 

@ArchNL - Congratulations! Wow, I'm excited for you!

Mar 11, 11 12:21 pm  · 

Received YSOA letter with copy of Retrospecta yesterday. Hoping to receive some information regarding Financial Aid in with the package, but no dice. Anyone else hear anything yet about Fin Aid?

Mar 11, 11 12:29 pm  · 

Received email from Cornell (MArch I)


Mar 11, 11 1:17 pm  · 

Congratulations, ya2!

Mar 11, 11 1:33 pm  · 

man, i really don't understand what's going on at UT Austin.

Mar 11, 11 2:00 pm  · 

same here mr.minimal

Mar 11, 11 2:05 pm  · 

congratulations ya2!
i also got the email :)

Mar 11, 11 2:12 pm  · 

@mr. minimal & lomas3/ what's the question with UT Austin?

Mar 11, 11 2:42 pm  · 

their admissions decisions have just been coming in at an exceptionally slow rate (4 three-year M.Arch posts on gradcafe in 10 days).

most of those few have said their online status was updated, but that they haven't received any other communication from the department.

Mar 11, 11 3:19 pm  · 

I went to UT for undergrad (liberal arts) and love the university and Austin very much, so this is a bit painful to say, but yes, something is way screwy with their admissions. Chaz Nailor has trouble answering his phone and returning a call within 48 hours; or at least he did when I phoned him last May when I had still not received a decision. I suppose no harm then because I opted not to start last fall.

I received an e-mail this week from the Graduate School, not the SOA, congratulating me. My status check on my UTEID had been updated five days prior and then I got some e-mail from Chaz asking me to RSVP to an open house for admitted students, which I took as a tacit indication that, as graduate admissions coordinator, he understood I had been accepted.

In my experience and with those I know there, the school is laid back by most standards. This may just be part of that. I might try calling Chaz to get some sort of answer on how long it will be. I hope you're not disheartened by the process; it really is a terrific place to be.

Mar 11, 11 3:31 pm  · 

not disheartened at all, just anxious and potentially very excited.

i have several utsoa alumni friends and all of them speak just as highly of it.

do you think you'll be heading there in the fall?

Mar 11, 11 3:55 pm  · 

Bahhhh I'm struggling because I'm a Texas resident, and tuition is a steal. The GSD made a monumental miscalculation and accepted me, so I'm doing some soul-searching while waiting on their financial aid package.

Having lived in Boston and Austin, I'd take the latter any day (it's cheap and people are nice; not one masshole to be found) but we'll just have to see. I live in Austin now, so if you're planning on going to the open house, hit me up. There's so much to see down south and on the east side. Cheap eats and drinks, lots of laid back folks.

Mar 11, 11 4:09 pm  · 

Just got an email from Penn confirming that admissions decisions will be posted Monday March 14, at noon. I'm glad to see at least one school is being as transparent as possible and not trying to give us all heart attacks!

Mar 11, 11 4:19 pm  · 

That works both ways. I know for a fact that they have all the decisions already, so every email i get from them i am nervous it is going to be the decision. So my heart stops a little bit each time.

Mar 11, 11 4:22 pm  · 

interesting. i'm from austin and did my bachelor's in massachusetts.

that is a fantastic pair of options you've got there.

Mar 11, 11 4:25 pm  · 

In at UToronto with 15k, still waiting on Cornell.

Mar 11, 11 5:12 pm  · 

@Franklsw - Yeah, that email from Joan threw me completely off because the title of it was "Admissions Decision". I had to stop and take a breath before reading it, only to then realize it was nothing.

Mar 11, 11 5:21 pm  · 

Congrats, arketkt!

Also got the email from Penn. I suspect a system crash Monday at 12... :P

Mar 11, 11 6:15 pm  · 

I was thinking the same thing - everyone's going to attempt to login at 12, and the system will not be able to handle everyone. I'm going to try a few minutes early, just in case... Don't know if that will work, or if that's what everyone else is planning, so it may not be the best idea I've had, but we'll see.

Mar 11, 11 6:49 pm  · 

Anyone know when UT-Austin or Berkeley's open house is gonna be?

Mar 11, 11 7:22 pm  · 

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