
Two Americas

Mason White

I dont mean this in an off-handed way at all. I truly believe that the "Two Americas" illustrated throughout this campaign is an issue. And I would love to think we can just work this out, but the diffferences are serious .. it is like the early stages of a failing relationship. I just dont get these God, Guns, Gays, and Grizzly 'values voter'.

Somehow, however, I feel a greater affinity to our northern neighbor than my birth state of North Carolina or Texas.

Anyway, I offer forth a long-term solution (once it gets through all the messy red tape) for the United States of Canada.

Here is a preliminary border condition between the Two Americas. Shall we aim for a 2032 ratification?

Nov 4, 04 12:53 pm
Marc Pittsley
The county-by-county map is fascinating.
Nov 4, 04 1:07 pm  · 

All I can say is that Mexico should be in the map above as well.

Nov 4, 04 1:08 pm  · 

although i think that we do face a great challenge in this nations up isn't an option...dare i say: its UNAMERICAN.

The election has me down, and you too i'm sure Mason, but i would be hesitant to divide Americans into two groups only. There are many of us that only felt like Kerry was the lesser of two evils...not the Solution many thought he was. I don't agree with a great deal of what Kerry campaigned for, but i disagreed with W's direction a great deal more.

I think that many of the people who voted for either candidate were hesitant to do so in one way or another and my hope is that with different faces, more character, tougher issues to overcome, etc...the next election will be more about issues and the future rather than the past. Only time will tell, and our dedication to achieving what's true and right, instead of what's merely RIGHT....if you catch my drift.

i'll go back to my assertion on Nov. 1....Ohio has been labeled a 'battleground state', a 'swing state' and now its a 'border state'?....just because i live on the Ohio River, i don't want any part of Jesusland or its subsidiaries....and no one will make me leave under duress. ever.

Nov 4, 04 1:12 pm  · 

i like the graphic, though Mason...but do you really want to be PINK? ;-)

Nov 4, 04 1:13 pm  · 

<There are many of us that only felt like Kerry was the lesser of two evils...not the Solution many thought he was. I don't agree with a great deal of what Kerry campaigned for, but i disagreed with W's direction a great deal more.>

but dont you think that those voters that thought Kerry was the lesser of two evils are further on the left that god, guns, gays voters? therefore isnt the division even greater?

Nov 4, 04 1:19 pm  · 
Mason White

I will gladly be 'pink' if it means my uncle in Cary, NC can get his job back; my 5th-grade school teacher sister in Charlotte, NC can afford health care for her 1-year old son; my grandmother in Durham, NC can get the care she needs; and my Canadian wife can be convinced to stay in the New York longer for our work ... everytime Bush does his usual thing she tells me she is on the next train back to Montreal.

please, paint me pink, now.

Nov 4, 04 1:27 pm  · 
Mason White

And anyway, I lived on the Ohio River too (and voted there!). I lived in Columbus, Ohio for a year and that place has serious racial, social, and cultural problems. And with that being the best of the Ohio cities ... Coming from New York City, Boston, and London, I had complete culture shock. I had never lived in 'America' until then.

So call me Unamerican but this country redness bleeds ignorance and blindness. Prepare the dingy...

Nov 4, 04 1:33 pm  · 

It seems everything might have been better if the map stayed this way...

Nov 4, 04 1:42 pm  · 

Mason - I'm sorry to hear about the problems that your family is having but if Kerry would have won would anything have changed? Besides, are they all looking to the president to take care of them like a big brother? I see it a little simplistic to blame all your problems on the president.

Looking at the county map I'm most amazed at the margins that Bush carried so many states and how slim some of the Kerry states were. Face it, the only solid Kerry place would be new england. Even IL and CA weren't amazing 20+ point margins of victory.

InstrumentofFaction brings up the best point. I voted 3rd party because I vote my convictions - not against people. In my opinion most Kerry supporters were voting against Bush and not for Kerry. Negativism will always lose out that way. The guns, God & gays thing is more of that same negativism. You should also show how every single ballot initive limiting gay unions passed by healthy margins - even in "blue" states. I'm not anti-gay but the people are against gay marriage in more than a red/blue divide.

Nov 4, 04 1:51 pm  · 

Lola...not really. i think that if you really look at the Bush platform and the Kerry platform...Kerry is still a moderate just like W. As has been said on other threads here, W got elected, not on issues but on some ephemoral ideals and flimsy promises. The Democrats failed because they didn't choose Character to lead them, they chose a caricature.

Personally, i'm for the removal of Religion from Politics, Equal Rights for everyone, gay or straight, and for common sense gun control, which in most people's eyes paints me a 'gunny'. so, one out of three...i'm a right wing nut job? nope. sorry. i believe that a lot of people didn't vote their consience this year. myself included...Ohio was too important.

Nov 4, 04 1:52 pm  · 
le bossman

i don't know what's worse, bleeding the red blood of ignorance or having 'province of quebec' written on my home state

Nov 4, 04 1:55 pm  · 

detroit was a french fort you know "le" bossman

Nov 4, 04 1:59 pm  · 

Woo-hoo, I live on the spain side of the Mississippi. Tonight I have plans to go over to the province of quebec.

Nov 4, 04 2:01 pm  · 

Mason, as to the Pink comment...i just thought the fact that this internet-passed around map had us rational, thought-provoking, genuine and concerned Democrat-voting Americans living in a PINK WORLD was all too predictable and sad. This is what the hardcore GGG'rs really think of us as....Peacenick, Homo Pansies...its not fair and its a horrible inaccurate slur of a judgement in general...but thats what lets them sleep at night....they are in the Right and we piss on the bible...whatever.

Also, i support all the things you described your family as going through, i think everyone in Ohio has felt similar issues hit closer to home this past 4 years. i do truly hope that things get better for the members of your family you mentioned.

Good post A, at least in terms of the negativism you described. Whats interesting is that in Cincinnati, we repealed article XII which allowed city council to pass no law barring people from being hired/fired/housed etc for their sexual orientation. a major victory for Equal Rights, especially in this city...which leads me to the fact that this county voted overwhelmingly to support the strictest Anti-Equal Rights amendment to a state constitution limiting marraige to a strict man/woman definition. this amendment does everything but quote the bible (at least the parts they like). utterly contemptable.

Nov 4, 04 2:04 pm  · 

oh and i forgot communists...they think we're communists too. i can't believe i forgot that one.

Nov 4, 04 2:06 pm  · 

mason - there isn't a huge difference between the US mid-west and the prairie provinces of canada. i propose a new country spanning the west-coast from alaska to baja.

Nov 4, 04 2:18 pm  · 
Mason White

some good points... i have much work to do today, but I will say this:

But 'A', if you read my post again I am not blaming the <i>President for my family issues or any families ... my issues are with the VOTERS who clearly chose a president that 'prays' over one that tells the truth, a president with supposed 'moral' that invades countries unjustly over one that would weigh the consequences and the need.

For me the map above isnt about the president, it is about the gap in priorities of the voters. I went door-to-door for Kerry in Ohio back in July ... and I ran into to so many 'born-agains' that they were trying to convert me, instead of discuss the issues of health care or education, or even the war. They think that being born-again is what will save us. In my book, that is moving backwards instead of forward. Apparently, that is what the GGG voting American wants. That is what this election tells us, whether we were voting against Bush or for Kerry, the outcome speaks for itself. Voters arent stupid, they know that voting against one person is the same as voting for another. It just is.

I appreciate the opptomism, and I am fine (thanks for your concerns), but to me the issues important to me are not likely to be addressed in my lifetime or my childs. And I have a son on the way. I think differently now.

Nov 4, 04 2:19 pm  · 

" issues are with the VOTERS who clearly chose a president that 'prays' over one that tells the truth, a president with supposed 'moral' that invades countries unjustly over one that would weigh the consequences and the need...."

Great post, Mason. Best of luck with your son on the way. congratulations!

Nov 4, 04 2:22 pm  · 
Mason White

cheers, iOf... that is one thing i am opptomisitic about...

please though continue offering forth more maps. this thread is becoming very info-historicist. i like.

Nov 4, 04 2:39 pm  · 

here is an one with transylvania on it.

Nov 4, 04 2:56 pm  · 
Nov 4, 04 2:57 pm  · 

How do you Americans grapple with this "unAmerican" protest all the time? Sounds like the perfect way to keep the populace quiet. In the countries I have lived in, possibly aside from Australia, criticism of the government, its policies and its people is par for the course.

I'd get sick of being called unAmerican if I raised any criticism of the government...

Nov 4, 04 3:06 pm  · 

John, why does it say "Van Dalia" across the gray-ish zone?

Nov 4, 04 3:06 pm  · 

wow...Gnadenhhuetten...not a lot of Dutch-German Amish left in that part of Ohio/Pennsylvania anymore...good map, John.

Nov 4, 04 3:07 pm  · 

I have no idea. I have never seen van dalia or transylvania on any maps of north america before, but i'll look into it at my earliest convenience. anyone else want to chime in on that one?

try these on this texas map collection is one of my favorite sites

Nov 4, 04 3:16 pm  · 

diabase...we gain strength in knowing our hearts and our minds...knowing we're not wrong, just of a different outlook. being a part of the mainstream is easy...and we just don't like easy.

the first amendment is a double edged sword. Red state (of mind) or blue state (of mind), must hold this true:

I may not agree with what you say, but I will always defend your right to say it. - Voltaire

Nov 4, 04 3:19 pm  · 
le bossman

incidentally, though we michiganians were once french, the british never left until 1812, and later in the century a vote was held on whether or not the official language should be german, and there are a large amount of people in the west who are ultra christian, call themselves dutch, and have windmills and wooden shoes

Nov 4, 04 3:23 pm  · 

yeah I know I'm from ann arbor.

how about fredonia

Nov 4, 04 3:25 pm  · 

a bit off topic ... but wasnt there a Republican that won a senate seat or something named Crapo? Please tell me how anyone votes for someone named Crapo?

Nov 4, 04 3:43 pm  · 

Lola...yes...Mike Crapo, Idaho 1st term incumbent. he was running unopposed until the Dems got their act together for a write in candidate and that was very late...and Crapo won 99% of the vote. what's in a name, anyway?

Nov 4, 04 4:04 pm  · 

this was a map of the Free States (Green) and Slave States (other), before the Civil War in 1846

Nov 4, 04 4:36 pm  · 

very nice Cameron. I like where your going with this.

Nov 4, 04 4:39 pm  · 

Damn it. Should've voted for Fremont.

Nov 4, 04 4:53 pm  · 

great map cemeron ... so can we say that indiana, ohio, and iowa are betraying their history? they are the only green states that the GOP won a majority on from that map.

Nov 4, 04 5:00 pm  · 

no...Lola...all you can say is that an average of 50 percent of the voting residents in those states voted for the GOP. that is all. its a good reference piece and raises your eyebrows, but i think its wrong to label them as 'betraying their history' voter, one vote. that is all.

Nov 4, 04 5:05 pm  · 
le bossman

wow thats really fucking interesting i hadn't thought of that. perhaps people from the blue coastal and urban areas should colonize the hinterlands

Nov 4, 04 8:03 pm  · 

Easy on the south bashing... I am a proud blue blood Bostonian now living in the south and sure there is ignorance here, but so was there in the Berkshire Mountains where my grands, etc are from!

It's the rich variation in culture and language and ideals that makes us a great nation. Individuals making a difference are drowned out by the loud pink noise of mega industrial media complex.

Surely Archinect can do better than that!

That is the kind of reverse ignorant crapo (sorry) that pushes the less informed into their shells. Reach out and deal with people as individuals for Christ sake and leave the north-south thing to the historians.

Individual with varying levels of sophistication and belief systems voted the best they could. You know what I really get out of this election that was great – Look how many people voted. That is much damn better than the lack of interest previously displayed by our free electorate.

Debate is good when discussing ideas. North good South bad is stupid bullshit crapo (now not sorry).

Nov 4, 04 8:31 pm  · 

quote: paul:
'mason - there isn't a huge difference between the US mid-west and the prairie provinces of canada. i propose a new country spanning the west-coast from alaska to baja'

I get that this is joke, but for sake of reality:
not exactly; the most conservative areas of Canada, the prairies, are actually more liberal then the most liberal areas of the US. There was a book published last year called, 'Canada and the United States, the Myth of Converging values' whose synthesis of statistical data shows this.
This book also goes into explaining why the diversion, one backwards, one forwards. backwards meaning, recourse to the simplicity, security, certainty of a religist, good v. evil, hierarchical view v. forward - people who have reflexively progressed towards a relativalistic point of view. And simply and obviously put, its all rooted in the historical evolution of both countries, America of course having become the all pervasive force in the world and all that entails (terrorism w/ its threat to safety - hence recourse to the comfort of traditional religious values) v. Canada, whose history, (charter of rights and freedoms circa 1984), relation to the u.k. and cold climate has caused the relativist, pluralistic view to foster and continue to dominate the value system as per the fact we don't feel threatened, the majority are used to accepting and working with differences with ratio of small. pop. to No. of people immigrating.

(ANd I realize not all americans are backwards thinking,
but note: the reason for making these over-arching generalizations is because only by considering and looking at the dominate tendencies and forces/views at work do we have any sense of how our conditions are shaped and being shaped. so as per the fact, majority of america voted conservative this is the dominate factor shaping the conditions experienced.)

Nov 5, 04 3:47 am  · 
Dazed and Confused

Morals and religion are the real reason many of you hate our president - not why he won. To say that America has become a bunch of mindless bible thumpers is merely a way to make yourselves feel better, and misses the point. See if this spin makes any sense:

Cities make people dependent. Cities depend on people sucking the life out of other people. Cities incite a fear of change and progress because they may adversely effect 'the help'. Cities are engineered to keep people in their place. Keep them down. People in cities don't like to be told that there is an existential right and wrong because they actively participate in the wrong that is urbanity. For these reasons, our cities show up as giant blue spikes in a red sea.

Nov 5, 04 11:41 am  · 
Marc Pittsley

D&C, did you compose that last paragraph yourself, or are you quoting someone else? I sincerely hope that you don't believe it. It suggests that you've never really lived in a city, or that you've at least had a skewed experience if you have.

Also, it's worth noting that the red state/blue state conceit is not so neatly divided along urban/suburban/rural lines. Here's an interesting map that doesn't stop at red or blue but gradates the color difference of each county in proportion to the voting results.

Personally, as for morality and religion, your first sentence is correct. It's exactly the president's apparent lack of judgment, morals, ethics, humility, and tolerance that make me dislike him so much. A lying, thin-skinned, win-at-all costs politician, inspiring fear and bigotry in his divisive efforts, suggests just the opposite of moral values to me.

Nov 5, 04 1:33 pm  · 
Dazed and Confused

You can't bake a cake without breaking some eggs - as they say. Nice map!

Nov 5, 04 1:50 pm  · 

It seems to me that while these maps are visually arresting and clearly indicative of regional and local bias they are really only furthering the idea that you’re different than me and only one of us can be right. What the fuck is the goal here. All one color. Half one color. Pretty patterns. The shape of a teddy bear. The only map that would really tell the story well would be each individual person a different color. But we just move around too much.

Nov 5, 04 2:36 pm  · 

At least that last map is leading in the right direction. I don't see the mason dixon line anywhere on it.

Nov 5, 04 2:38 pm  · 
badass japanese cookie

"Cities make people dependent. Cities depend on people sucking the life out of other people. Cities incite a fear of change and progress because they may adversely effect 'the help'. Cities are engineered to keep people in their place. Keep them down."

I really don't understand where you get this from. It seems to me that any cursory review of the history of urban sprawl reveals a trend that is almost opposite to what you just described.

"People in cities don't like to be told that there is an existential right and wrong because they actively participate in the wrong that is urbanity."

Ok, so urbanity may have its 'downfalls' (like public transportation, cultural diversity, more employment opportunities and more chances to become involved with the community!).

Nov 5, 04 4:54 pm  · 

Just keep pushing this bigoted thinking...and expect to keep losing as you insult the very people you need to convince to win...

One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

Nov 6, 04 2:42 am  · 

I've never seen so much intolerance and hate by a party claiming to be the champions of "diversity".

Nov 6, 04 2:43 am  · 

uh- i wasn't being intolerant of what he was saying- i was simply NOT CONVINCED by this person's interpretation of the city. i believe there's a difference. how is not being convinced by somebody's argument tantamount to intolerance?

Nov 6, 04 2:57 am  · 

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