
Bankrupt US Financial System: The Bubble Bursts and the Economy goes into a Tailspin.

The Federal Reserve is the policy arm of the big banks and brokerage houses. Period. Ostensibly, its mandate is to maintain "price stability and full employment". Right. Anyone notice how many jobs the Fed has created lately? How about the dollar? Is it really supposed to zig-zag like it has been for the last decade? The central task of the Fed is to shift wealth from one class to another. And it succeeds at that task admirably. The Fed's "mandate" is public relations claptrap. Bernanke hasn't lifted a finger for homeowners, consumers or ordinary working stiffs. "Yer on yer own. Just don't expect a handout. That's socialism!" All the doe is flowing upwards...according to plan. The Fed is a social engineering agency designed to serve as the de facto government behind the smokescreen of democratic institutions. Did you really think a black, two year senator with no background in foreign policy or economics was calling the shots?

Puh-leeese! Obama is a public relations invention who's used to cut ribbons, console the unemployed, and convince Americans they live in a "post racial" society. Right. (Just take a look at the footage from Katrina again) The Fed has complete control over monetary policy and, thus, the country's economic future. Bernanke doesn't even pretend to defer to Congress anymore. Why bother? After Lehman caved in, Bernanke invoked the "unusual and exigent" clause in the Fed's charter and declared himself czar. Now he has absolute power over the nation's purse-strings.

Bernanke's back is against the wall. The only thing he can do is print more money, shove it though the back door of the stock exchange and keep his fingers crossed. The rest is up to CNBC and the small army of media cheerleaders.

There is some truth to the theory that Bernanke saved the financial system from a Chernobyl-type meltdown. But that doesn't change the facts. Accounts must be balanced; debts must be paid. The Fed chief has committed $13 trillion to maintain the appearance of solvency. But the system is bankrupt. The commercial paper market, money markets, trillions of dollars of toxic debt instruments, and myriad shyster investment banks and insurance companies are now backed by the "full faith and credit" of the US Treasury. The financial system is now a ward of the state. The "free market" has deteriorated into state capitalism; a centralized system where all the levers of power are controlled by the Central Bank. If Bernanke's Politburo withdraws its loans--or even if he raises interest rates too soon-- the whole system will collapse.

The economy is now balanced on the rickety scaffolding of the dollar. As the Obama stimulus wears off, the rot in the economy will become more apparent. Household red ink is at record highs, so personal consumption will not rebound. That means US assets and US sovereign debt will become less attractive. Foreign capital will flee. The dollar will fall.

The world needs a breather from the US. And they'll get it sooner than many think.

Aug 8, 09 11:29 pm

Great way to start the day. Wooha!

Aug 9, 09 10:27 am  · 

follow that up with Craig Roberts article

The Expiring Economy

In the small town of Vassalboro, Maine, a few topless waitress jobs in a coffee house drew 150 applicants. Women in this small town are so desperate for jobs that they are reduced to undressing for their neighbors’ amusement.

survival job...
Aug 9, 09 11:50 am  · 

see also (

a long, but very detailed accounting of all the new bubbles that have been created due to the bailout and not allowing the market to reset itself.

well worth the time to read...kind of ties into Antisthenes post about the depression is just starting.

Aug 9, 09 1:34 pm  · 

oh, the Paul Craig Roberts that was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration? He's now crying that the sky is falling? Kind of like the fox warning of a raid on the chicken coop. Now all of a sudden he's a sage about what will happen from now on, but just to balance out the above stuff, there's this.

Aug 9, 09 5:41 pm  · 

Anti - What is the reason for posting this exactly? Do you think its ridiculous what they wrote? Do you agree with every single thing they wrote?

Personally, there is some stuff in there that I agree with. Like the part where they criticize the "defense bill." But like any piece of Op-Ed, I disagree with some of the points as well. Like why mention illegal immigrants when it was hardly relevant?

Lately it seems you only start threads that either promote fear of the economy (like its really necessary) or promote Rhinocerous. Whats up with that?

Aug 9, 09 6:30 pm  · 

ya from watching Food Inc and seeing the real culprit behind illegal immigration is mostly the large factory farms, agribusiness and slaughter house corporations who are even in collusion with the police to only target a few a night to not disrupt operations. Companies who have come under no action because of their size and power, companies who bring immigrants by the busload to their locations to exploit them as workers.

what can be done will be done and it is quite relevant, to be aware gives a better chance to brainstorm creative solutions towards a new globalism of people power in opposition to the banking and insurance industry who have for far too long been in control.

go local, the struggle for Independence from these so called immortal and unaccountable institutions is at hand if we are able to organize our collective abilities to see a fair a just world.

oh and don't eat non organic corn, so as to prevent diabetes and obesity ;)

Aug 9, 09 9:53 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh for fuck's sake is a woman always necessarily "reducing" herself if she wants to show off her boobs? Maybe she's proud of them, maybe she gets a thrill out of it, maybe she's more than happy to make easy money off men's silly fascination with a body part?!?

Once again everyone assumes a woman's body isn't hers to do with whatever the hell she wants. For someone claiming to be all bright and enlightened, Antisthenes, you certainly have traditionally entrenched views on gender, not only exhibited in this thread but all over this forum.

Aug 9, 09 10:09 pm  · 
vado retro

since when does the fed have anything to do with full employment? the fed was started after it was determined that having one very rich man ie jp morgan bailing out the banking system was not the best idea. oh and that woman with the v neck tshirt this morning at the grocery store who was leaning over her cart and seemingly was always coming toward me no matter what aisle i was in? was definitely not reduced.

Aug 9, 09 10:47 pm  · 
liberty bell

Not funny, vado.

Aug 9, 09 10:49 pm  · 

that is the article quote i didn't write that, heck i would strip and am a very good dancer haha

Aug 10, 09 1:22 am  · 


Aug 10, 09 1:22 am  · 
liberty bell

Yes, and you posted the article HERE, Antisthenes: disseminating someone else's views while offering nothing substantive to explain why you posted it, instead hanging back and watching what ensues while declaiming any responsibility for what you've put out there.

And that particular quote: isn't the author just further exploiting these women for his own gain by using them to illustrate his point?!

Aug 10, 09 8:38 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

LB, at least it wasn't something about Rhino... :)

Aug 10, 09 8:53 am  · 
liberty bell

It seems "declaiming" doesn't quite mean what I intended, but you get the point.

Aug 10, 09 8:58 am  · 

personally, there is enough op-eding on this board as it is... this is pretty crudely written and transparently paranoid clip. True or not... most people willing to have any kind of constructive behavior are going to be immediately turned off by the tone of your post.

This kind of fanatical crap is no better than sarah palins ridiculous comments about bureaucrat 'death panels' leaving her downs syndrome baby to die...

Aug 10, 09 10:13 am  · 

When strip clubs lower their prices to attract customers, I know were in for some real trouble.

As a matter of fact, one just bought a radio station out here. Guess that means they are doing pretty well. And, of course, now we can listen stripper music all day!

Aug 10, 09 10:27 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

I wonder if all their commercials are for Ed Hardy T-Shirts, Nuetrogena Sunless Tanner and Kettle One Vodka?

Oh shit, there's a sale of bedazzler refills at Jo Ann's!

Aug 10, 09 10:33 am  · 

that is not even the point the point is there is only a few jobs at that cafe and there are 150 some applicants for it
the same can be said for other professions architects where 77% are unemployed

LB emotional authoritarian responses are well, thanks for the lol girl, now show us your boobies if you think it is so Kosher

Aug 10, 09 7:07 pm  · 

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